Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I thought I'd update as to what happened with the coach for Isaiah's gymnastics. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, was I going to be to forward or turn into a sobbing mess? Thankfully G-d seemed to take hold as I calmly explained what I thought about the whole situation. I am a big believer in not bailing your child out for every little thing. I feel they need to learn how to problem solve, to a point. Without me saying a whole lot, she informed me his coach is 15 or 16! Not only that, but she is trying to coach 8-10 4 year old children. Basically she had heard of how this girl was handling Isaiah and wasn't happy about it either. I decided I didn't need to go into details and I want to keep communication open and not have this be about attacking, because let's face it, we all make mistakes. We are now going to try another night with an older coach who is more experienced and the class has only two other children. Hopefully this will be less stimulation for Isaiah, and help him focus more on the task at hand. So if you could pray that this would turn out as his doctor really emphasized the importance in him being involved in extracurricular activities, especially with exercise and controlling coordination. This is hugely important from the social, learning, and physical aspects for him, all rolled into one. Plus, Isaiah loves it! He gets so excited and actually this is where we taught him the days of the week so that he knew what day was gymnastics. He learned it in less than 5 minutes, talk about motivation! I am really hoping his new coach will have more compassion and still be authoritative enough to teach, as we don't believe in coddling. I felt a little bit of relief and happily called Seth. Only to find out that at Isaiah's ophthalmologist appt. that Isaiah needs new lenses and frames. Sigh. At first I was pretty upset, as glasses are pretty expensive. Especially for Isaiah, he has a high prescription, with a larger head and a tiny nose. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but trust me, finding frames has been a pain. The one's he has now he has actually done pretty well with, that is until a little play buddy punched him square in the glasses. Not to mention, lovely little sister likes to snatch them off his face and bend them back and forth. Why Isaiah let he do it? I'll never know. Now for the bright side of all this, his vision is improving dramatically. He really needs them to correct his lazy eye and they are going to weaken his prescription to make his eyes work a little less. I guess it's a technique. So that is promising, but it wasn't something I had anticipated dealing with. Please pray Seth would continue to get overtime. His boss has been kind of venting to him that they have the work, but their customers aren't paying. So if you could pray that they'd start paying. I know it sounds simplistic, but this really makes a huge difference in the payroll we so desperately depend on. As for me, I took a hit to my soul. I won't go into detail, but it really knocked me off my path and has sent me into a downward spiral. It's amazing how much words can really hurt. You know the old "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?" Yeah, not true. I can handle physical pain, but it's the emotional that takes me down. Thankfully I have my G-d, who I know is there, even if I don't feel Him right now. I have lovely people in my life, especially my ever wonderful husband. Seth saw me yesterday, pretty much a puddle on the floor. He came and sat with me and just loved on me. He's so sweet. G-d really knew what He was doing when He paired us together. I just cried while he whispered reassuring words trying to rebuild my confidence. He also reminded me how therapeutic writing is for me. So, I have decided to not only not quit, but write more. Things are tough, but I am still going fix my eyes on the one who created me. I know there are so many other more important things to pray for, but if you could pray, it'd really help. In case you are going through some valleys yourself, here is a song I have been listening to that is big encouragement. Sometimes music has a way of touching me in way that I just can't explain. All your feedback has been so helpful, please continue:)

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