Monday, December 13, 2010

Music and Cookies

For those of you who wonder why I notify of my postings on facebook, I do this because some of my readers have had a hard time signing up to receive my posts. They appreciate the easy access, and I appreciate simplicity myself. Anyways, on to my post. After having a long talk with a wonderful friend, she helped me right out of my rut. Since then, Seth and I have been devoting much of our time to doing things we regularly put off. It's so easy to just work on the house and do chores and before you know it, the night is late and we didn't achieve what we set out to do. One of the things that Seth really has wanted to do, is play his cello for Aurora and Elijah at the Mausoleum. The whole place is pretty much done in marble, so voices and instruments carry through the whole building. He was blessed enough to have a friend of his, loan Seth his daughter's cello. Seth hasn't played in over 7 years (except for a couple of minutes when he first got the cello) so he was a nervous wreck. He was so worried he wouldn't remember how to play. We also went out there to hang their stockings complete with 2 stuffed animals. Originally, we wanted Aria and Isaiah to be with us, but figured they wouldn't have the patience to wait around. Thankfully, we made the right choice. It was pretty cold since they must have lowered the heat and had most of the lights turned off. It was pretty late at night, so it was very dark. Seth and I were the only ones in the building (we have keys) and off we went. Seth began to play by ear, since he had no sheet music. I noticed the song right away, "Sunshine." I immediately started to tear up, and was surprised at how emotional I was. The music flowed through the entire building with such a beauty, I can't barely describe. He played pretty well for someone who hasn't played in so long. He then asked me to sing (gulp) and I did, because it was for the kids. We had thought we'd only be there for a few minutes, which turned out to be almost a full hour. We sang all of the songs we used to sing to Eli while he was alive and also ones that I sang while Aurora was still with us. It probably sounded like a train wreck, but we had so much fun, that we lost track of time. It felt so healing. I almost felt like Eli and Rory were there saying "We're here!! You didn't forget all our songs. Thank you!!" I could almost imagine Aurora dancing in a beautiful ball gown, while Eli still being a baby and seeing him staring up at me with his big ole soulful blue eyes. I am hoping to find Seth his own cello (cheaply) as he came alive while playing and I loved hearing him play. The cello has such a beautiful sound, mmm, I loved it. I can't wait till the kids are older and they'll be able to join along. We have several other friends whose children would now be 18, they still get the whole family together on the special dates and do the same thing. One family in particular, on their daughter's birthday, go out and get a Christmas tree, even after all these years. All the kids participate and some are even adults now. I have been trying to keep on top of the house work and grocery shopping so that we can have one true day of rest. Yesterday we ended up reading books from the library (close to 40) to the kids, for what seemed like hours. Then we finally made cookies. I admit, I am no baker. I really don't like it. But after years of having the excuse of all the carpeting everywhere, and now that isn't the case, we did it. Isaiah LOVED it. He was so eager to help. Aria jibber jabbered and ran around and finally helped out with cutouts as well. But Isaiah, he was just so excited. Thankfully Seth loves this stuff, so I helped a little bit, but then took lots of pictures. What we didn't know is not to place the cookies so close together. We basically ended up with 2 giant cookies. It was actually pretty funny. Thankfully, the kids could have cared less. They just knew they ended up with a sugary reward, something we rarely have. Another thing I have been committing to is cooking. Lately, I have been determined to master the crock pot. The crock pot has been the bane of my existence. Yes, to all of you who say it is easy, not such for me. The kids doctor said she even bought a cook book just for the crock and not one recipe had really turned out, so I felt a little bit better. Yesterday I had a small victory! I did manage to make a kick booty chili yesterday. I was so proud, you'd have thought I went out and hunted the meat and grew the beans myself! Tomorrow, a pot roast! Will it turn out? I have no clue, but I am hoping. Feel free to send advice as I'd like to work out. Seth was bummed that the snow storm didn't pummel us. He actually went out to start our snow blower, just to be ready. He is like a little kid when it comes to snow. He and Isaiah get all giddy anytime the forecast calls for it. Me, I'd rather be in Hawaii. Aria is fully into playing dress up. For two days straight, she wanted to wear her astronaut uniform. She only has that and a tutu, so I am hoping for Christmas she'll get a couple more costumes. Isaiah has taught me more about killer whales than I could have imagined. Did you know a killer whale is actually a dolphin? He also had to find out the sad truth that whales and seals are not friends. He was devastated to kind out seals are their favorite snack. Then we had to explain that we are omnivores and we eat meat too. This was not a subject he cared to recognize. Every year around this time, I can't help but feel so grateful that we had our home weatherized. I remember the first year we lived here, since there was no insulation, you could feel a breeze in the house. Now, I feel snug as a bug in rug. There is so much more I have to say (imagine that!) but Aria is beckoning me. Please drive safely and I'll update soon! Ah nuts, I think we are coming down with colds, grrrr. Green tea and echinacea, here I come!!!

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