Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Power of Prayer

First things first. I thank our Lord for being so gracious and praise HIM, for He truly listens! I also want to thank all of you for your prayers and please continue as there is truly power in prayer. We were so blessed last night as Seth's Aunt and Uncle watched the kids for us so that we could go in for a visit. At first my annoying germaphobia kicked in. I started to worry that I might pass something to her (since we've been sick) and worrying about this and that. I stopped myself and prayed "Lord please take this anxiety away, you haven't given me a spirit of fear, but of love and sound mind. Give me your wisdom..." I sat still for a moment and then packed up our stuff to see Bubbe. I can't remember the last time visiting someone in the hospital. It's so hard for me to go in any of them, let alone that one. Thankfully the Lord is changing me and He gave me the courage to go and I am so glad He did. We walked those halls so many times with Eli, so I knew right where I was going. I poked my head in (complete with mask and a gown) and there she was. She look so small and she has a Bi-Pap machine on, which looked huge on her small head. My Mom quickly ran to me and started to fill me in. I waved to my Bubbe and she just grinned from ear to ear, she did this the entire visit. Of course, she wanted to stroke my face, as she has done my entire life, but I couldn't come that close. So we just hugged ourselves and blew kisses. Right away, before I could ask, she wanted to know how everyone was. We filled her in and Seth soon joined us. Seth told her that she was his Grandma too, and she began to cry. We chatted for quite a while and I got her to eat. Seth ran downstairs to get her some frozen yogurt with her favorite, chocolate. She ate pretty well for us, even though she didn't want to. We talked about all the things we have done in the past and what we need to do in the future. She always used to take us mini golfing (or putt putt, is what we called it) and I reminded her that Isaiah is about that age to go and she needs to be able to take him. Now anyone who knows her, knows she loves a good party. So I told her when she gets out, we'll have to have one and go out to eat. She lit up like a Menorah! All the while, she could only see my eyes (since I had the mask on) and kept on telling me how beautiful I was. I started to get teary eyed, as I never had much self esteem in the way I look. Her and my Grandpa always would tell me how beautiful I was growing up, even in my ugly duckling stages. I thought to myself, how many time I had blown off their words and didn't believe them. Last night, all I could think is how much I need her to stay. Her words and support have always brought me such comfort. As I am growing older, I am realizing as people pass on, the less you are surrounded by that kind of lavishing love. Anyways, I didn't want to leave and I just wanted to crawl in bed beside her and watch old reruns while talking about the latest, but they wouldn't let me. So today I waited to hear if she is doing better. My Mom called to let me know that they are going to place a PIC line, as all her veins in her arms are shot. She is also getting a blood transfusion today as she is anemic. Please pray this would all go smoothly. If she does well, they might be able to move her to a different floor which means, she'd be doing much better. I believe in the power of prayer. I know some might say, G-d will do what He will do, but it says "..with prayer and petition..." I have seen so many miracles happen after mass amounts of people began to pray. Bubbe is so loved and the kids adore her, in fact anyone who meets her does. Isaiah really wants to go and see her, he said he could make her all better. She loves the visits and I know they are what keep her going. My Mom loved having us up there as well. She looked drained, yet grateful. Seth and I have been talking about how he used to get a Christmas bonus and how much he missed being able to buy everyone he loved a gift. I found myself reminding him that we have so much to be grateful for and that everyone knows how much we love and appreciate them. Gifts are nice, but time is better. We are so blessed to have such a loving family and friends, he still has a job, our kids are great, and we have a nice warm home. I'd rather spend time with our loved ones and be thankful for those memories that another trinket (although with kids they just want the gifts, but that's a kid thing). I told him our time will come, but until then we just need to give the gift of love. Plus, even the kids like toys, but it's the attention they thrive on. Please forgive us for not sending out holiday cards, I kept on meaning to, but it just never happened. Hopefully one of these years we'll get to it. In the meantime, thank you for all your support and prayers. Dear friends and family, I may complain and worry a lot, but my love for you is endless. Know that I care and love you all so much. You mean so much to me. May the Lord bless you and I'll keep you posted!

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