Monday, October 24, 2011

Follow Up

I am making sure to keep you updated on my latest news. I hate it when you are left hanging and wondering what happened after this or that. First, Isaiah is doing much better. We are working with him in communicating not feeling well, instead of scaring the living daylights out of us (who needs a haunted house?). His cough is getting more junky, which I believe is good, but he still has some healing to do. I had my appt. today with Dr. F. He really is a great doctor and every time I don't want to like him, I do. He talked with us quite a bit about everything. He really gets that I am a foodie and empathizes. He acknowledged how skinny I was and gave us a plan of action. At 92 pounds, they tube feed, and that's it. We asked about about the pacemaker and I guess that was only for extreme cases and it pretty much failed. So much so, they shut the program down, so that alternative is out. He even offered us to go get a second opinion free of animosity! At this point, from what we have researched, he is doing everything he can. Reglan (nope), Domperidone (Uh uh), Erithromyacin? Possibly, but not to try until I gain some weight back. Pacemaker (out), Botox (insurance doesn't cover and no telling if I'd have a severe reaction), diet and stress management (yep, just where we were before). I did tell him about some symptoms to which he replied "huh, that's weird." Yay, weird, what every lady loves to hear. He said that my hemoglobin levels are low and we need to get this under control. This could also be adding unnecessarily to my lack of energy. I have tried every supplement under the sun and I can't digest iron. My diet blocks the high iron foods such as dark leafy greens, beef, and beans. So we are looking at IV iron. The problem is it can cause a reaction, to which seems to be an issue with most medications for me. I am also looking at having a procedure done to help as well, which we are presently trying to set up but have to see if I am strong enough to withstand it. He is going to be checking my Pre Albumin levels to see if I am malnourished and then we'll take it from there. I am beyond exhausted. I am hoping this will help remedy part of the situation and still holding on to hope. As I have said, I don't want to go to to tube feedings. Please lift me up in prayers that I can eat more varieties of foods without trouble and gain back some healthy weight. Also pray for me to find a better way to deal with my stress and clear direction in what to do. I need my hair back (seriously, I have a weird shaped head!) and my teeth are taking a beating. I find myself so cold all the time and I can't find any wool whole head to toe body suits with a just my face hanging out (hmmm, me looking like a sheep, it could be a new fashion trend!). The doctor even commented that my clothes not fitting. I look like I am playing dress up in someone elses clothes. Still, as frustrated as I am, I have to keep on looking up. I've got my humor (maybe I'll go on the road as a stand up comedian) and my loved ones, now I just have to find a hobby;) We really didn't find out anything new, but it's nice to know, I am doing everything I can do on my end. So now we wait, in hope, and expecting many miracles to come. Please keep us in your prayers and know that love is enough.

1 comment:

Alison Hodgson said...

Kelly, I'm glad to hear that Isaiah is better and will continue to pray for you for healing.

I'm so sorry.

Thanks for keeping us updated. It's great to hear from you.