Friday, October 7, 2011

Quick Update

Things aren't going so well. We really need prayer for guidance and possibly going to U of M, Mayo, or Cleveland (I guess they have a good stomach thing). I am trying hard to hear G-d, so that I may obey. I don't know if He is showing me and I am just not seeing, but there are a lot of factors. First is, do I need to go out of state? Will our insurance come through? How are we going to afford the testing and lodging? What do I do with our kids? I know it seems like an easy decision but it really isn't. I just don't know what to do, but things aren't getting better. I am asking for prayers. I am so tired and I have so much to live for. Please ask the Lord to show me, and that things would not get worse, but better.

1 comment:

Sarah said...
