Thursday, September 15, 2011


Since I am being fully honest and putting myself out there, my Mother in Law reminded me that I need share the good with the bad. I totally agree with her (and love her to bits and pieces) so here it is. I slept last night!! I feel like a million bucks! For the first time in I don't know how long I actually got to go to bed with Seth! Lately, I have been putting him to bed and checking on the kids and then go downstairs till I can fall asleep. This time, I went out fairly quickly and better yet, soundly!! I didn't wake up once until Seth's alarm clock went off! I can't remember the last time this happened. I woke up with really bad nausea, but knew to take a zofran and fell right back asleep. I woke up feeling fully rested and not sick!! Praise the Lord and thank you to anyone who prayed, because I am having a really good day:) I didn't snap at the kids, I was able to get Isaiah on the bus (without sending him with is patch on) and off to school. I even had enough energy to stop and visit Seth at work with Aria to celebrate his birthday. I decided to let the insurance struggle go and just not think about it, so I was able to relax and enjoy the beautiful day. We picked up McDonald's for Seth and Aria and I didn't feel like flinging the food out the window (this is an improvement) or crying. I felt, happy and hopeful! Did I mention, Praise the Lord! No nausea, no pain, and even a bit of energy. I felt, normal:D Can you feel my joy? It's days like these that make me want to run up and down the street and dance while telling everyone how G-d is so great and not to take one moment for granted. I feel hopeful. My doctor passed on the domperidone for now, but I have other things in the works. Even so, I just feel good. I have read other gastroparesis blogs and this seems to be the norm. good days and bad days. You just never know what you are going to get, almost a little bipolar. All I can say is if my bad days are going to be as hard as they have been, then I am going to make a conscious effort to really celebrate and rejoice on the good ones. My Mother In Law, Sally, I'll just say, so that you know who I am talking about (I normally call her Mom) had me over today to help me plan out meals and to really go over what I can and can't eat. You have no idea how much I love this woman. I laugh to think that a few years ago, we'd never imagine we'd be this close. She has really helped me out in support in ways I had never even dreamed of. Amidst all this suffering, she and so many others have given me so much hope. Really, the calls, messages, visits, and yes, prayers are priceless to me and look, they are working! I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know I will enjoy today. A good day is better than any craving of food that I have had. The air smells sweeter, the colors brighter, everything feels amazing and NORMAL! It may take a while, but I am going to get better and stronger. Our Lord is refining me, and as much as it hurts, in the end, may He be glorified. My hope and refuge is truly in Him, without His promises, I don't know where I would be. Today is Seth's birthday and I am so pleased that I'll be able to rejoice with him. Each day is a treasure, and today I am filled with Joy! Watch, pray, BELIEVE, and be amazed. Keep those prayers coming, they won't go to waste;)

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