Tuesday, March 6, 2012


For those of you who have been following me, you have been with me through the lows. I also want you to be with me when things are good. Today is beautiful. Maybe it's a G-d thing, I was so low yesterday and just felt awful. Today, I am having some stomach issues, but the sun is out! The beautiful life giving sun! The thermometer is reading 62! In all of this, I am trying to use each moment that I can to create a memory. I can't take Aria to the park, but I can go outside! My In laws have a beautiful back yard that is easily accessible for me. So I went out in my PJ's and a light coat and grabbed my girl with me. Aria had her cute little Tinkerbell sun glasses on and happily chattered about playing outside. We didn't do a lot, I just pushed her on the swing and watched her in the sandbox, but it was beautiful! I made sure to pull up my pant legs and and my sleeves to get some sun on my skin and it was glorious! It may not sound like a lot, but just being able to do that little bit made my day. I keep hoping and pray that each day will get better as I continue on this journey. My favorite is the beach, not to swim, but just to look at. I can't wait till I can build up the energy to go and sit and admire the creation that G-d has blessed us with. So till then, I'll admire His creations locally. Today I have decided to not think about the doctors or the lab work, today I am going to enjoy today and just smile. I have been so excited for Aria and Isaiah to be the ages that they are at because you can allow so much more freedom. Aria is a born bread monkey girl, who is going to take the parks by storm. I think she is finally sturdy enough to hold her own while she plays. I can't wait to see her and Isaiah laughing, chasing each other up and and down the playground while the sun smiles down on their beautiful souls. My favorite season is spring. It used to be because of my birthday being near, but now, it's watching all what looked dead and barren, come back alive and flourishing. Kind of symbolic for all that I am going through. Maybe I am being pruned and cut back, so I can produce beautiful blossoms. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? For now, I am going to savor this memory of me and my little girl playing in the back yard. What a blessing. Thank You Lord, I needed that:)

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