Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fever Pitch

As always, things have been quite topsy turvey over here. Aria ended up spiking a fever on Friday at 106.8. I never in my life thought I would see anything close to Elijah's 107.5 (before he passed away). Aria had been having this weird on and off fever that seemed to be climbing. I wasn't really worried, as Isaiah had a similar issue a couple of weeks before. The only thing that seemed so strange was how she could get it after so much time had passed. I was proud of myself for not calling the doctor and "handling it" myself. That is until around 2 PM, I heard a blood curdling scream. This is the scream every parent knows, you better drop whatever you are doing and run. I checked her over as she lying limp on the ground yet screaming in pain. I checked her temp. At first I thought the thermometer was broken, but then checked myself and and I was normal (yes, we all have our first time) then rechecked her 106.8. I almost called the ambulance as I started having flash backs of Eli, but remembered to look at how she was acting. She was breathing fast, but still coherent. I called Seth and the doctor and away we went. I could go on about the whole thing, but I don't have that much time. The doctor at first was going to have her admitted to the hospital, but we told her about Isaiah going up to 104.5 a couple of weeks before. She then hesitated and decided that we'd watch her closely. By then her Ib prof. had kicked in and she was talking and wanting to eat. So she set up a plan and let the on call doctor know what was going on and wrote up lab slips. So we watched Aria like a hawk all weekend as they decided by Monday if the fever wasn't going down, we'd have to admit her right away. Then Isaiah came home from camp with a 103 fever. I am telling you, I am so perplexed as to how summer has been so filled with sickness. I thought this was the one season, we got a free pass. Instead of cook outs and firecrackers, we stayed home and prayed the kiddos would feel better. The doctor actually allowed us to let them in the pool for a short amount of time to help keep them cool. It really seemed to help. Praise the Lord, they broke their fevers. Aria is still pretty upset, so we are waiting to find out if they still want us to continue labs. I was disappointed we didn't get to really enjoy a mini vacation, yet so relieved that they were okay. There more to that story, but I'll leave it to the condensed version. Isaiah has been going to Hebrew camp. My Grandmother is Jewish and really wanted him to have an opportunity to learn and play. Isaiah has since learned the Hebrew alphabet and is playing with other kids. His language skills and thought process absolutely blow me away. But I have also been noticing a different side of him. Yesterday we took him to the 4th of July parade. Really, it was to hot after they had been so sick, but Seth really wanted all of us to go. Isaiah was so excited to go, but when we got there, it was to much. He kept on staring at the ground and almost seemed to be moping. I was wearing a dress yesterday and what does he decide to do? Yep, he pulled it up, not once, but several times. Luckily I caught it, each time before it got to revealing. But then he says "Mommy, I like your dress. You look like a ballerina." How could I be mad? So I had to explain you don't pull up ladies dresses. Ah the conversations you never really expect to say. There are so many other funny things that happened but Aria has come to have me make her lunch, and I can't say no to her little face. I'll write later.

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