Thursday, July 15, 2010

Isaiah Proclaimy

Isaiah's favorite sculpture at the F. Meijer Gardens, can you guess why?

As you know, we have been in the process of potty training. It's been one of the things I have dreaded dealing with as a young child (being a germaphobe and all). So patiently we have been working with Isaiah. We read him books, got some movies from the library, role play (the things you do for your kids), and of course, begging. For the last couple of weeks he has graduated to Thomas underwear (with lots of nervousness as our whole house is carpeted) and finally SUCCESS! He still doesn't come up and tell us, but if you ask him he'll say if he has to go. I am so happy! But then the craziest thing happened today. We were at a friends house for a play date. I am talking with my friend only to turn around and see Isaiah with no pants on, sitting on her carpet in the living room. Sheer Panic!! So many thoughts are racing through my mind, but the biggest was "did he go on the floor?" Praying, praying. I grab him and see his shorts and underwear next time him, now I am really perplexed. I said "Isaiah do you have to go potty or did you GO potty somewhere??" He replies not nonchalantly, "No Mom, I went in the potty upstairs, flushed the handle, closed the lid, and of course, I washed my hands." Me and my friend stared at him in disbelief. The one thing about Isaiah, is he is very honest and fesses up, so I knew he was telling the truth. I asked him if he had trouble with his shorts (they have a snap and a zipper, something that hasn't been mastered yet) and he said yes. I put helped him put on his clothes and told him how proud I was of him. He got the biggest smile on his face and you could see the pride in his eyes. My little guy is turning 4 on Saturday. I am thinking back to four years ago when I was as big as a house wondering when he would come out. We have been through so much this last year with his diagnosis, yet I have seen a total transformation in him. Where I used to be so embarrassed with his reactions, have now turned into joy. He is known as one of the most polite kids and gets so many compliments, he loves playing at peoples houses and joyfully running with children. He especially loves to hug and kiss, especially baby sister, so full of affection. All things that one year ago, were a struggle to do. We have a long ways to go, yet I am so excited to see what he is going to accomplish. Most kids say, "I wanna be a___, when I grow up." Isaiah says he is going to be a an astronomer and a astronaut. You know what, I believe him. Most kids can't wait to move out of the house, my boy can't wait to move out of the atmosphere! He is going to go so far in life, I am so proud of our little guy.

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