Monday, August 20, 2012

Birthday and Bikes!

I love summer. No rigid schedules to follow, just going with the flow and seeing where the day takes us (although some days I wonder if I did anything?). I have had a rough go for a while here, but I am trying hard to focus on all the great things that are happening around us. These past two days have been great! I felt well enough to put on my makeup and do up my hair! We were even fortunate enough to have a friend of ours watch our kids so we could do some errands! It cracks me up that our idea of a "date" consists right now of doing errands, but it works! Little Lady had her 4th birthday. She is a gracious thing. She isn't about getting stuff, she was so content to have what she had and didn't beg for more. Isaiah, Seth, and I surprised her by singing to her before she woke up. She sat up and squealed "Am I 4? For me?!" Seth prepared his famous french toast and realized that we were out of syrup and came up with the fancy idea of using Nutella instead! She was so excited. Her little voice squeaked all day with excitement. We were able to get together with some family who came across the Lake by ferry and that was quite a treat as well. Bubbe's older sister came with. Seth and I were so happy to see her, as she reminds us so much of Bubbe. It's hard to believe that 4 years ago Bubbe had been up with us at the hospital when Aria was born, and now that she has passed on, it meant that much more to see my Great Aunt. They brought over 4 generations of Ladies, so it was really fun. For the rest of the day we hung out with our little family. I tire easy, so My Little Ponies took over our house. We decided to go for our evening walk and were watching Isaiah just flying up and down the block on his scooter. Seth and I decided it was time to take his training wheels off of his bike. The last time we did this I knew he wasn't ready. This time I explained that it's like balancing on his scooter and that he probably would fall, but that it'd be okay. Isaiah is a lot like me, he has be to be comfortable with the idea of something and you can't push him. So off we went to a church parking lot. We took off the wheels and expected him to take a while to get his footing, so we waited while holding our breath. There were other kids across the lot, so I was wondering if that would make him be a little gun shy, but that wasn't the case. He hoped on, fiddled with the pedals and took off like a shot! He rode a good distance as we all squealed jumping up and down! Our little man is quite the professor, but things like this are harder for him, so we were thrilled. Aria was a bit upset that she didn't have the same success, but we know she won't be far behind. It was all pretty great! After having some really hard days, I sure welcomed these bright and beautiful moments to be able to participate in. I was recently asked to re evaluate my reasonings for blogging. I have been deep in thought about this question. So I guess I am on that journey and I will see where it takes me. In the meantime, it's time to start preparing for school to start. They both have grown so much this summer. Isaiah is writing, adding and subtracting, and now swimming with ease. It'll be strange to have Isaiah gone all day in 1st grade. We are STILL waiting to hear back about Aria's preschool. She asks every now and then if she gets to go. She is reading quite well and the girl is fast! She is really coming into her own and has everyone saying what a "ray of light" she really is. On some other positive news, I have gained some weight back! I never thought I'd be happy about that, but here I am! I think the botox is helping (by the grace of G-d!) and I am hoping it will last long enough for me to learn how to relax without the help of it. Stress is a huge factor in my stomach issues, so I really am praying I am able to find proper ways to filter my stress than by tensing up so much. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. I have been learning more and more about leaning on others in times of trouble and not feeling ashamed about asking for help. So pride has left the building and I just ask for your prayers and support. Your encouragement means so much to us and we can't thank you enough. We'll I should get back to my munchkins, until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, uplifting blog entry. It was so nice hearing all the great things. Great job on the health.... I too try to gain weight. It will help me feel better (not to mention look healthier). I struggle with the stress issue also...not a fun thing to battle. But as you mentioned- prayer and guidance and support!! Sounds like you have a wonderful support group!! Best of luck on your journey. Keep smiling....