Thursday, August 23, 2012


Since I have been open about all the things that are going on in our life, I want to make sure to evenly show the positive as well as the other. As many of you already know, due to all of my health issues we weren't able to sign Little Lady up for preschool back in Feb. I was just trying to get through one day at a time and really wasn't thinking about long term issues. So you can imagine the guilt I felt after trying to pursue preschools, only to be turned down due to how late we had applied. Little lady has been begging to go to school since I. had started kindergarten. Every day she would ask me when it would be her turn. She wouldn't whine, she'd just ask with her big puppy dog eyes. I have been calling and calling the schools, only to hear that the chances weren't good. That is until a couple of days ago! We thank the Good Lord for answering our prayers, because she is in! I will be having to drive her back and forth, so this is going to be a huge stretch for me. She will be going to a different school, so I am still trying to figure out how I am going to map all of this out between the two kids. I'm nervous as I already move slower than molasses in the morning due to my meds. I can't drink caffeine, so it's really hard for me to get going till about late afternoon. Since there is no second shift school (seriously, some one has to think this is a good idea?) I have dig deep and pray for energy. I even have started by taking my meds earlier in the evening, but still I just lay in bed drowsily but can't sleep. I Kelly, am a night owl. Yes, I am nocturnal. It could be my only explanation! I wake up every hour and then play the "1,2,3, SLEEP!" game. Seth could fall asleep with a train driving by our house. Me? I hear a spider sneeze and I am reply "bless you." Okay, since I am pretty much deaf, I can't, but you see where I am going;) So we are trying to turn my clock back around. Anyone have any non-caffeinated suggestions on how to turn this around?? So now I will be facing germaphobia head on. 2 kids in 2 different schools, looks like I am getting a crash course in germs and the full out knowledge of the non-existent control that I thought I had, all goes out the window. Considering Aria is our licker, well you get my drift (sigh). With my health still teetering I am forced to go back to the basics of trusting that G-d has my back. Needless to say, this is going to be a challenging year for me. I know long term for the kids, this is so important. They need to have this socialization, the structure, the every day normal life experience. For that I am grateful. I want my kids to look back on their childhood with happiness, not stifling sorrow. So, that's where we are at. I am getting together school schedules, back packs, and they are quite excited. You would have thought we had won the lottery the way we jumped around when we got the acceptance letter. I am asking for your continued prayers for healing, courage, peace, and wisdom as we enter into a new phase for us. This may seem ordinary to most, but for me, this is a challenge. As scared as I am, I am thrilled. I am thankful for each day that G-d reveals Himself to us in such amazing ways. I loved all of your feedback about the banking situation, it was so helpful. Today's question that I leave you with is, how do you change your sleeping habits? Any tips or would be helpful. I am so thankful for all of your prayers and encouragement. May the Lord bless you with a beautiful day.

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