Monday, June 18, 2012


I wanted to be sure to add some updates. Things have been a bit busier at home, now that Isaiah doesn't have school. I have noticed that he misses the busyness of school along with all of his friends. I am realizing how much I need to be establishing some type of a schedule for all of us. Last week was nuts, and pretty much for the next few, it will continue. Due my health issues, I gotten used to being at home. While it is a lovely safe place for me, I'm bored. Last week I finally ventured out on my own to mall and to the store. While they were very brief stints, I felt like a teenager who just got their drivers license. I turned up the music a little bit louder than usual (Rocking out in a mini van, totally cool) and was able to go at my own speed in the store (turtles probably walk faster) but I had a good time. We have Aurora's 10th birthday coming up on the 21st. We have been day dreaming of who she'd be today, what she might look like, and what her latest interests would be. A decade has gone by and it's weird, I am still not used to her being gone. Years ago, I had promised her I would get everyone together and celebrate her birthday, but with all that is happening, Seth felt it would be to stressful for me. I still am scheduled for botox on her day, and we are praying that I won't need it. So, if you could say some extra prayers that I wouldn't need to have it, I'd so appreciate it! If we don't go to U of M, Seth and I have decided to go on a date night. We haven't done much of these lately and when we do, we just stick around the house. My hope is for us to be able to go to the beach and watch the sunset and see an "Aurora Skye Sky!" That is the hope, but if not, then we'll roll with it. The kids are grasping more and more the idea of having another brother and sister that they can't see. They are asking questions and we are trying our best to explain. I have got to load some pictures up as so many things are happening. I am also scheduled to have surgery next week with full sedation, so I am trying my hardest not to let my nerves get the best of me. On the 23rd it will have been exactly one year since GP entered my life. It's been a wild year of crazy ups and downs. I honestly didn't think I would make it this far, so it's been quite bittersweet. I'll try to update soon, as always asking for continued prayers of healing and peace. Grace and Peace.

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