Thursday, May 31, 2012

Test Results

I promised that I was going to update as often as I could with all of the stuff going on these next two weeks. I went to my test yesterday morning and it started off pretty rough. They had me drink lactose, which I am intolerant to. Then they went on to explain that this was the first time this test had ever been preformed in this particular hospital. They seemed unsure of the instructions on what I was supposed to do for the prep. so I just fasted for 12 hours and had some sips of water throughout the night and hoped it wouldn't affect anything. When I came in and they started to explain that they weren't sure if that would cause any abnormalities on the test, and I got pretty frustrated. The test itself was the easiest of any test I have ever done. I just had to blow in a bag every half hour for 3 hours, so that part was super easy. I am so used be poked and drugged up, so that was a breeze. My friend Marie ended up coming a bit early and sat with me, by then I was bored out of my skull, so I was thrilled! Although honestly, I'd rather do a boring test any day, so no complaints about that! When all was said and done, she took me home where I got to rest for about half hour before Aria got dropped back off by my Mom. I was so tired, since I had to get up at 6:30 in the morning. Yes, I know for most people this is a normal time, but for me, it was at the crack of dawn! Seriously, I have always been a 2nd and 3rd shift personality. I wish I could get our kids into 2nd shift school, let's face it, who remembers 1st period anyways?! On top of that, because of the fast, I was really run down. My Mom comes in to inform me of all that had gone on. The kids had spent the night at their house, so I thought she was going to tell me all about one not sleeping through the night. Isaiah's allergies have been awful, so I figured that might be issue. Instead, it was my grandma. We call her GG (Great Grandma) for the kids. She 95 years old and 100% blind. My parents have her living with them. All I can say is they must be some sort of saints, because it's a full time job taking care of her. She is super sweet and loves to talk about the past, but she really misses being able to see (who wouldn't). The night before we were visiting and she kept on telling me stories about her Mom and how she was seeing her. I was kind of puzzled but figured to keep quiet and listen, since she was telling pretty cool history about my Great Grandmother. Well it turned out there was going on then I had realized. She started hallucinating through out the night and was wandering around the house, so my Dad was up with her most of the night. He ended up taking her to urgent care, who then referred her to the ER, just to be extra careful. If that wasn't nuts enough, my sister calls my Mom to tell her that she was swelling up in her face and needed to take her EPI pen because she was having so much trouble and someone needed to come and get the baby. All the while my poor parents have my kids and GG!! Seriously, they deserve a Hawaii vacation after all they have done for us! Well if that wasn't enough, I took a new enzyme last night to help my eating and started to feel off. Then I got a huge waft of weird smoke smell, so bad that it filled our whole downstairs. The smoke got worse and my eyes started to swell and I was having a hard time breathing. I have only had one other time this has happened and that was last 4th of July. I guess I am allergic to certain types of smoke, since no one else being affected. So I had to take an allergy medication that took a long time to kick in. We all got in the car and started out to the hospital because I couldn't get a full breath. We unrolled the windows and I stuck my head out the window like a dog, trying to inhale as best as I could. Well the medicine made me super jittery and I felt like I was losing what was left of my already slow mind. We drove around a while and the medicine seemed to kick in, but was giving me other side effects. I had no idea what was happening, so it was quite the night. We ended up going back home and talked to a friend of ours who calmed me down. So, today I woke up, a bit puffy, but better than yesterday. Oy, the drama, I just have to laugh. Seth called me this morning to let me know that the doctor's office called with test results. I haven't ever had them call this quickly without something being wrong. All I can say, by the grace of my Lord, it was NORMAL!!! This was from the test yesterday, so this is awesome! I woke up feeling like I had run a marathon, so this was a sweet surprise! Thank you to all who prayed, I'll say it every day that I breathe, prayer matters! So as always, asking for more prayer. Yes, give an inch take a mile;) I have to start fasting Sunday night all the way till 2 PM in the afternoon on Monday, for my EGD ultrasound. We are praying the test goes smoothly with no added damage and that all my organs are normal, especially the stomach/pancreas/gallbladder. I have had a lot of trouble with fasting, and every calorie I miss, really messes with me and my mood. So we are trying to come up with a clever way to keep me more level. We are still praying about botox, if we want to do it next week. Then of course we have our U of M appt. next Friday that will give us more test results and hopefully positive results for past testing and maybe even a success course of treatment that will prove helpful. I believe that G-d can do anything, I am choosing to believe that I am being healed, no matter how slow it feels. I am human so, some days I do better than others. If you are going through something tough, whatever it might look like, I encourage you to really pray about it. This doesn't mean that G-d will give you what you ask for, but He'll give you what is best. That's even a hard pill for me to swallow, yet I still cling. Without His truth and promises, I have nothing, so He is my everything. Even when I get so angry that he isn't doing what I want right away or giving me what I think I need (although I think eating is pretty big deal) He is with me while I wrestle, complain, cry, rejoice, and when I praise Him. I hope through my writing others can understand that being a follower of G-d doesn't mean that everything is easy or super happy all the time, I believe it's being honest with Him and others. He knows I am waiting for that miracle. He knows that I am frustrated that things aren't moving as fast as I'd like, but He also knows that I am searching high and low to follow the path that is meant for me, that one day will lead me to a sweet victory. Please also continue to pray for peace and strength for my whole family, this has all been so taxing and the enemy loves to mess with unified fronts. So today, after out hideous day I say, this is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Thank you Lord for hearing our cries, I plan to send out some more! Thank you for all the people you have brought around us to cheer us on and give us the support that we need to face another day.

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