Saturday, May 12, 2012

Prayers Needed

Hi everyone. I am asking for some heavy duty prayers. I recently caught a virus that felt like the flu. I ended up getting a high fever and was quite nauseated. I just assumed it was the bug, since I had horrible body ache, but noticed I wasn't able to eat much. The fever broke and most of the other symptoms had subsided, except this pain that was on my left side. Ever since last June, when this gastroparesis started, about every 3 months I have this excruciating pain. I end up getting admitted for 5 days on IV fluids while they run many tests. The other thing is I have an elevated Lypace level. It's only double what should be normal, which normally if you need your gallbladder out, it's much higher. This level has been consistent any time I have this pain. Mostly it's baffled the doctor's, but normally they just let it go. Now that I have this new internist, he picked up on it. Yesterday I went in for an ultrasound on my gallbladder area and had labs drawn. Every time I eat, the pain would get so much worse. So they scheduled the gall bladder ultrasound right away. Unfortunately when we got there, typically you are supposed to not eat 8 hours before. I had been eating tiny amounts, but they went ahead and did it anyways. So by the time we were done, they said, as far what they could tell, everything looked about what it's been. I have a cyst in my pancreas and a polyp in my gall bladder. So they sent me home and we just figured it to be another flare up. That is until Seth woke me up this morning. My doctor called him personally to let me know that my lypace was elevated and they want to schedule an EGD where they do an ultrasound of my pancreas and my gallbladder. Until then, if the pain continues, I will need to be admitted to the hospital and placed on IV fluids to give my system a rest. For now, they are calling it pancreatitis. The doctor has advised Seth to try and pancreatic digestive enzyme to see if that will alleviate the pain while I eat (since I can't have any pain medication). I am in agony. I want to curl up in a ball and have a hard time standing. I am worried about losing weight. I can't eat and I am a long ways from Ann Arbor. I am asking for some heavy prayers that my pancreas and gall bladder would function properly. We all know they are checking and testing for other things and I am praying it all comes back normal. All I know is something is wrong, and I admit the fear is getting the best of me. Please pray that I would feel G-d's peaceful presence and that we'd get helpful information that would improve the quality of life. I am also asking for prayers to lift my depression and anxiety. I am very overwhelmed with all of this. It's not just as simple as pain, but it affects our whole family in every way shape and form. I don't want to go back to the hospital and I am hoping to avoid the feeding tube. Please pray I can maintain my weight and still be able to get enough food down to hold out through this. I tired, frustrated, and weary of all of this. I want to be able to enjoy my life the way that I should. I might be leaving somethings out, but I am in a lot of pain, so I'll leave it at that. Please pray for this to be lifted and that I could resume eating.

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