Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aria turned 2!

I think I might be able to type for a little bit, so let's give it a try. Aria had her birthday on the 19th and turned the big 2. For any of you who are parents, you know that each birthday ends up being a reflection on the years past. As I look at my 2 year old, who now resembles more a of a little girl than a baby, I can't help but think about how far we've come. I remember talking to Seth about having another child. It's hard being in our situation, as we are not asked when we are going to have another child. I can't count how many times I have heard people ask couples "when are you going to have another one?" So full of joy and excitement. That doesn't happen with us. Sometimes I wish we had never told anyone about my genetic syndrome. It makes me feel like damaged goods, worse, that Aurora and Elijah were as well. Sometimes with the improvement of science becomes a greater need to create the perfect "normal." Some might say, they can't handle watching us be sad again, or that they worry. I understand what they are saying, but every day that we get in a car, we are running a risk. Everything we do is a risk. If we don't take risks, we never know what it feels like to truly succeed. Isn't a reward for something that you worked for so much better than something that was just given? Well, with that, Seth and I have had to rely on G-d instead of peoples input. We prayed and prayed, and G-d answered clearly. I have never been a big believer of people who say "G-d told me to ..." I find myself thinking, yeah it was G-d that told you, hmmm. But after diligently praying, He answered. Seth and I both had a vision of a little girl with dark hair. All of our kids have been blond, so this was quite a stretch. We prayed some more, just to be sure. He never changed His mind, G-d kept true to his promise. So 2 years before out came Aria with dark brown hair. Seth and I stared in shock and awe. The only thing we could think was "we weren't crazy!" Aria was a dream come true. She was easy going, full of smiles, and everything you could want in a baby girl. From day one, I put bows in her hair. Every day I do her hair in as many different ways as I can imagine, without her looking silly. She actually loves her toes to be painted and holds real still. Any time I do my makeup, she sits with me and copies me (except for the time she took a bite out of my lipstick) and looking on with sheer excitement. She loves playing dolls and is holding true to her name Aria, our child of music that Blossom's more and more each day.

At the same time, she has her Mama's spunk and stubbornness. If you get in her way, she will take you out! My sweet little baby girl has now turned into a kung foo kicking, banshee screaming, arms and legs flailing, two year old. I have found if you look at her the wrong way, she will sob and swing her arms violently while I stand there is sheer confusion of "what just happened?" We have started time outs and Lord Almighty, Heaven and Earth can hear the screams of her scolding us in her baby babble of how unfair the world is. But then the next minute she has her arms and legs wrapped tightly around my body while saying "mmmmmmm" in my ear. I told Seth that if this is even a teeny bit of what it is going to be like when she is a teenager, I am afraid! Well, my sweet baby is just vocalizing her opinion, just like her mama, can't fault her for that. On her birthday we had a small tea party with my parents and great grand parents. My parents brought over some fancy tea settings while we served blueberry tea and had cookies on my Grandma Bar's tea set platter. I made little finger sandwiches consisting of tuna salad and our favorite, olive nut. We all wore silly party hats and it was low key and lovely. I was going to post pictures, but our computer has had some issues, but I'll get them on when I can. I can't help but look at Aria and wonder what Aurora would have been like. Would they look and act similar or would they be polar opposites? I don't know what it is out your kids growing out of that baby stage that makes you get bitten by the baby bug. Seth and I have been discussing having another, whether it really is an option or not. What is it about summer that brings out that feeling. Being that we belong to such a large church, you can't help but smile at the Moms snuggling their newborns in their slings. Seth and I nudge each other and smile, only to see Aria throw herself on the ground, flopping like a fish out of water, because she wanted to go left not right. Hmmm, maybe we need to think about this some more (tee hee!) Aria has now left the baby section of clothing, she is no longer considered a baby, but instead a toddler. So long 24 months matchy cutsie clothing, and hello 2T, teeny bopper wannabee clothes (can you hear me sighing?) I must say it's been pretty awesome see her going from learning to talk to singing, scooting to running, building to now nurturing her dolls. Soon we will be playing Barbies and House, but each day will be a new day of girly excitement. Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little girl at play? I don't remember growing older, when did she?


EB said...

in my totally uneducated and baby-bugged-crazy opinion... don't rule it out :) you guys have beautiful babies! :)

EB said...

and happy birthday to aria. :) i'll never forget holding her in your hospital room, just starting to feel nora move inside me!