Friday, March 19, 2010


Hey all, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth just yet. It's been quite the exciting hectic week. First off, my oh my how happy I have been to have the sun back! Praise the Lord and a Hallelujah! It really seems to be a natural anti-depressant. I found myself acting like a cat, just basking in it's warmth for some solar charging. I pretty much have been taking the kids out at every opportunity so I can run them till they poop out and get some Vitamin D. Seeing the two outside together has been quite the hoot. We are hoping to get some backyard toys to make it interesting, instead of the tennis ball, bouncy ball, and bat, they continuously bowl each other over for. Isaiah is obsessed about balls, so every time Aria goes near one, you'd think Pluto exploded. But it's made for some great lessons on sharing. Isaiah is responding to his "plan" better and better each day. We try hard to reinforce the positives and talk about the negative with a hint of discipline. We start out with positive affirmations in the morning, by having him repeat "I am a good boy. I have a beautiful smile. I am so smart. etc" You get the picture, to help build his self esteem. He still has trouble listening, but what child doesn't . We had a play date today, and he passed with flying colors. Not one tantrum! He even hugged and cared for his friend, I get teary eyed just thinking about it. Aria is cutting her eye teeth, so she is just chewing on every thing. I found her in the back yard chewing on the swing set chain (just when I thought I had seen it all). She is talking more and more each day and is entering into the world of "Diva." When I ask for her to give me something, sometimes she'll give it to me right away and respond with "bank goo" (thank you) or like today, she'll take the item and slam in into the ground like she just scored a touch down. Instead of cheers, I get a, NO! and then a fall to the ground with just enough drama that I think I she may be nominated for an Oscar. Speaking of drama, the other day we went out for a walk to the park. We were all geared up with Mya, our dog. Isaiah insisted on holding her leash while on the walk (do you see where this is going?) I told Seth that evenings aren't a good time to try this out, as Mya is freakishly strong for her tiny frame and there are lots of dogs out. But Seth insisted on not rocking the boat (typical father). I backed off and told him to watch closely as I know I tend to over protect (although my radar was off the charts). Our main street that we live on, is really busy, so we went the back way to the park. Where what upon should we encounter? Yes, you guessed it, a dog. Now Mya is a lot like me. She is very small, and barks a lot. She also thinks she can over take any dog, no matter how big or small. So of course she starts to run to the street. I was pushing the stroller and trying to burn off my calories from lunch when I said "seth, Seth, SETH!!!" As I watch in horror to see Mya pulling Isaiah to the busy street so she could go give that dog a piece of her mind. I realized Seth wasn't paying attention, so I let go of the stroller, ran after Isaiah and tackled him to the ground all the while shouting a profanity so loud that the whole neighborhood had to have heard. I can only imagine what the onlookers must have been thinking. A grown women tackling a child while shouting a swear word, yeah pretty classy. Isaiah was only inches from getting hit by a quick moving car and I closed my eyes as I waited to hear a "Screeeeeeeeeeech" and the thud of Mya's little body being pummeled. Thankfully, she pulled back at the last minute. I then picked up Isaiah, who is crying from the shock of his mom plowing him into the ground and hugged him. I whispered the reassuring words to the tune of "wanna go to the park?" "Oh yes," he says. I turn around to give Seth the look that only women can do. Yes, there must've been daggers coming out of my eyes. Seth stood their, white as a ghost. I didn't need to say a word. I just started to walk as Seth trailed behind in his walk of shame. I must say, I have always been worried that I might not be motherly enough. But when I got up to see, both of us would've been hit, I was kind of proud of myself. You always see movies where people knock people out of the way and wonder, could I do that? Suffice to say, my mom-dar was on. As for my faith struggle, I am still having trouble. I have barely been able to pray. I don't know how to explain it, but it's been a terrible feeling. Please continue your prayers. I apologize for not updating pictures. Seth moved them to another program and I haven't been able to figure out how to get them yet. Well anyways, that's my life in a nutshell. I hope to be writing more. I get withdrawn when I am upset, writing helps me not succumb to that. Ahh, to be a professional writer, one can dream. Watch, pray, believe, and be amazed.

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