Thursday, February 25, 2010

When you believe in miracles...

I come to you tonight with such a joyful heart! Thank you to all who have prayed on our behalf. We met with two doctors today, for Isaiah. It was at the Autism clinic at Devos. I was so nervous and wondered if we were throwing $500 down the drain, just to feel better. Instead G-d, my wonderful Father of Heaven and Earth, answered our prayers. I could go into every detail, but then I'd have a novel to publish. Instead, I'll try to condense it as much as possible. First of all, Isaiah was on his best behavior. You see, when Isaiah is good, he is the most golden child you could ever meet. He is polite, sweet, funny, and has a belly laugh to melt even the biggest Grinch's heart. We met first with a doctor, who gave us nothing but props on being great parents to a great child. I listed all the issues that we have been having, and he actually responded with ANSWERS!!! The place we'd previously been too, in my mind hadn't gave us one thing to hang on to. Except the worst. This place was actually baffled at his behavior. By this I mean, he is incredibly intelligent, sweet, and stubborn. They asked me what I thought of the diagnosis, I replied in my not so subtle personality, "it's crap. He's just so smart he's pulling one over on us." He then asked Seth, where he filled them in on his point of view. He basically said that he agreed more with me. Not to say, he doesn't have certain characteristic's of autism. But that it wasn't a matter if, he'd get better, but when. My heart melted. He then went on to explain that most genetics are hard wired before being born. Only 10% is due to environment, unless severely abused. I explained I had sheltered him for fear of him dying, and he laughed and reassured me, I probably had nothing to do with the situation. This is just who he is, super intelligent, stubborn, and strong willed. I could go on and on with the visit, but all in all, I fell in love with him all over again. I think I had pushed myself away from him, to protect us from pain. Now I can love him the way I have so dearly wanted to. They typed him as a CEO personality, that he is going to go extremely far in life. He's a leader. Oh my, there is so much else I have to say, but my mind is reeling. Praise G-d, we have hope. They gave us pamphlets to help us in the meantime, waiting for the paperwork. We got more done today, then in the last year. Praise the Lord! I have my boy back, and I love him so much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sharing in your joy! These super smart kids are so complex and you are right, they can outwit us - been there & done this before, lots of times. It's the figuring out of what to do & how to handle those tantrum days that is the hard part. As always, prayers are with you & good wishes for many peaceful, loving days. Alanna