Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Poison Control

So this morning has already been quite interesting. One of the things that I have been trying to learn, is not to PANIC! I am pretty good at the major stuff, until after things have settled down, then I realize what happened and freak out. So one of my new goals is trying to not be so uptight and panicky at every little thing. Where am I going with this? Isaiah is in school and Aria and I were had just finished working out. I went to wipe my face with a face pad and put the jar down. Along comes my little monkey, swiping the jar off the table. She ran off shaking the jar. Right away, I wondered if I'd screwed the lid on properly. Sure enough, in that instant I see her licking it and then going for her hands. Any mother knows, this means something is leaking out. Now the old me, would have had a coronary and started panicking while running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Instead, I calmly grabbed a baby wipe and took the container away and looked at the warning label. I knew I should call poison control, just to be sure. Normally, I'd be shaking and spazzing. Instead I talked with Aria while I waited. The woman was so friendly and asked me to wipe out her mouth and get her something to drink (which I figured she'd say, but I wanted to be sure). Aria refused and instead of pinning her to the ground praying to G-d to spare her( Yes, sadly I've been that dramatic at times). I just gave her a wet wash cloth and walked away, playing it off as no big deal (secretly knowing, it'd make it more interesting to her). She proceeded to suck on the cloth. This may seem like no big deal to many of you. You may even wonder, why am I writing about such a small thing. To me, it was quite a big leap in realizing I am becoming more relaxed. I've come along way from the Mom who kept Isaiah in the living and play room for the first year of his life (sad, but true). The kids are trucking around, climbing, opening, and getting into everything. I am learning little by little to let go and let them just be kids. Hopefully they won't need too much therapy when they get older from this! I have been changing the way we eat and physical activities to promote good health instead of ease. I found out Aria loves peas, peaches, and kiwi. Isaiah is still quite skeptical, but he's cm by cm coming around. We found out Isaiah loves to dance, run, and do aerobics (he's never been one for physical exertion). Day by day, I am seeing bits of progress. While the impatient part of me wishes I could fix everything immediately, I know I am a work in progress in me and it's actually influencing the kids and Seth. Besides, it's the things I work at the hardest, that I appreciate the most (most of the time anyway). Grace and Peace to you all, just thought I'd share.


Julie Snider said...

Been there - done that. I have a tendancey to freak out myself and let my anxiety get the best of me. Glad to hear there are others out there like me. Also glad you are able to reign it in - I am still working on that.

Jade.Sanford said...

I'm proud of you!

Linda Quist said...

GOOD JOB! It is a full time job in itself to let kids be kids and not freak out! I am still working on that myself!