Friday, August 23, 2013

Lab Results and Writing

For those who read my blog, yesterday I posted about Aria not feeling well.   While it may seem odd that I resort to letting people pray at any little affliction, we have been through a lot and we take things very seriously.   

When we left I had suspected a UTI and the office wanted to see her sooner than later.  I don't know how to explain it, but this past week she just has seemed off.  Not whiny, just almost melancholy, which is so opposite of here.   I had hesitated to make an appointment sooner, as I didn't have enough to go on and frankly we try to avoid the doctor's office as much as possible.

While I wasn't keen about the idea of antibiotics (I know too much) I figured we'd bite the bullet and get it over with it.  But then Seth called to notify me her UA came back negative but that they detected glucose in her urine.  The biggest thing they were suspecting was diabetes.   I was stunned.  I know it is a management process, but some people with diabetes are at risk for so many issues, one of them being GP amongst many other things.

Like I said, we have a wide variant of people that we know.  One of them was a friend of ours who is diabetic and she ended up going into a diabetic coma while nursing her infant son and he ended up passing away.  We know so many other stories and I know diabetes is nothing to push off.  So I called my friend and she prayed with me.

I figured if all was okay or manageable that they wouldn't call for a while.  At about 11:30 last night I finally started to relax and figure that nothing was up and we prepared to go to bed.  The phone rang and my blood ran cold. 

First I will say, Thanks be to G-d in heaven as it is not cancer or diabetes!!!  So we rejoice in that news.  What they did find was Mono.  All I could think was, she must have licked something!  Proof all the more that she really does lick stuff!  As most of you know Mono is more commonly found in teenagers than children (at least that is what I thought).   She isn't contagious as long as she isn't running a fever, but her symptoms will ebb and flow.

I kept on wondering why she seemed so down lately and apparently she is just exhausted and she is in pain.  I know from being a teenager when it spread around school and when I had gotten it, I felt like doody and I missed a huge chunk of school that year.  I just remember being so sleepy and achy.  The other thing we have watch is her spleen.  She has been complaining that her tummy hurts and being that she threw up, they attributed it to that she is in pain.   So they have advised us to be extra vigilant about making sure we protect her abdomen from any trauma.  So we are going to be relaxing for the next week or so and making sure she isn't running around to protect her little belly.

Mono can be contagious with a fever (although they said it's more sharing utensils or swapping spit), so we are asking for prayers that she would recover quickly and also that it would not spread to the rest of us (if your read my post a week ago about the soap up her nose, we ended up swapping spit (insert shutter)).  Seth and I are already so run down and my immune system has taken quite a beating this past few years.  We have school right around the corner and I have am just praying for the anxiety to subside.   I realize that kids are going to pick up things and this is just part of life.  I know that G-d is working on me to help me overcome my fears and apparently he is having me face them head on, and since I am human I get easily overwhelmed.

So I as you may have noticed I am returning to writing.  I feel the Lord has given me the drive to write, to provide me with an emotional outlet, to remember, and hopefully to inspire others in any way that the Lord deems fit.   My goal is to share in my journey to connect with others and to move forward.  

I love comments and to be able to interact with my readers, so feel free to share!   On a positive note Aria has been a bit more smiley today.  We do ask for prayers for our whole family right now for healing and blessings.  This past decade(yes, I said decade) has been a bit overwhelming and Seth and I are worn out.  At the same time I can't complain as I feel with each trial that we have been blessed to see G-d's mighty hand at work.  I am still believing that my healing from my stomach issues, and my heart and soul are in process.  We are thankful for the words of encouragement, the family and friends that we are blessed to have (especially those who truly have been there when things spiral out of control), and most of all for a G-d that hears our cries and extends his new mercies every day.   

Again, I realize there are many of you who have someone who are truly in the thick of some life threatening illnesses.  I am not trying to be dramatic about something that may seem insignificant compared to other issues in this life.  If you are a parent, you know that if your child is hurt, you hurt.  The one thing I have learned about trials, no matter how big or small they are, it's still a trial. 

Anyways, I pray that you all enjoy these last few weeks of summer.  That you are able to enjoy running around in shorts and not winter garb!  I hope you are able to make memories with your families of joy and laughter, as life circumstances can seem overwhelming and sometimes snuff out the beauty that is all around you.  Keep looking for those daily blessings and rejoice as this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!   Thank you for reading and caring about our family, may you be blessed:) 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thanks for sharing the update Kelly and know your sweet daughter will be in my thoughts. She seems to have such a strong spirit (like mother like daughter!) and will pull through this. Kids have a pretty amazing way of healing quickly. Sending lots of love for her, you and your family. If I was there you know I would be making all of you a big pot of love soup!