Thursday, August 22, 2013

And the Bottom Drops Out

We last left off on the drama of the Cozy Critter soap up my daughter's nose.   We were hoping for some boring days to come, but alas, adventure is always right around the corner.

Seth has recently joined a men's bible study.  I am thrilled for him as my bible study has become a safe haven for me.   So far every week they pick a guy's house to meet at and then they provide dinner.  Sounds good right?  It did to me until Seth comes home last week to notify that he volunteered our house.  Say what??  Let me clean the wax out of my ear or maybe my hearing aid battery died.  I thought to myself, has he lost his mind???   

What's the big deal?  I am sure you may be wondering.  Believe me, two and half years ago, I would have been all about this.  I would have been in the kitchen, cooking up a storm and cleaning like a mad woman to prove we really don't live in a pig sty (okay, so it's not that bad, but kids=mess).    I am so pleased with this group of men that he is with so I would LOVE to open our home and say "Me casa, es su casa!" (pretty good for three years of Spanish) 

But the reality of the situation is, I have little to no energy.  Seriously, tortoises walk faster than I do.   My cooking skills are, okay, but not where I would love them to be.  Still, I saw my husband's eyes light up with joy at the thought of us hosting.  (sigh, must he be so darn cute)

So what is a wife to do?  I caved.  I didn't know how it would get done, but I figure, we'll get there.  As each day that passes by, we are getting school papers to have meet and greets with the teacher, pictures, open house, relatives visiting, play dates, friends, juicing (it takes a lot of time), cleaning, organizing, back to school shopping, panic, terror, and cleaning...  Did I forget anything?

As each envelope and call comes in to book up our calendar, I kept on looking at Thursday.  You see, to the average American they are overbooked and have a million things to do a day.  For me, especially since getting sick, one thing a week is good.  One thing a day is overwhelming.  Multiple things is insanity!  As I glanced at Thursday, I noticed there were 3 big appointments.  So I casually yet a bit nervously asked Seth, "uuuuuummm, so....  Have you noticed that you have the dentist, a school teacher meeting, and your bible study all in one night?"  Seth replies with a "I've got it under control, it's not biggie.  Don't sweat about it." 

I have recently been making it my goal to not micro manage.   I know that G-d wants me to trust in certain areas of my life, so I am trying hard to release the reigns of control over to my Hubs when he feels he is able.  So, released I go.   Aria had her birthday on Monday.  We tend to be fly by the seat of our pants kind of family.  I try not to plan too much in case my body doesn't cooperate.  So on her birthday, the weather was nice enough to go swimming at our friends house that we haven't seen much.  So off we went.  As we are there I see a giant bowl of blueberries.  To which I found out that literally up the street is a place that we can pick blueberries for a buck a pound.  For the first time in a while I happened to have some cash on me (which never happens) and as soon as Seth got off of work we quick ran over and picked blueberries.  All the while I am shouting to the family, "Pick as fast as you can they are about to close!!""  So Seth and I are picking like mad people as our kids casually saunter around to each bush to investigate and discuss each single blueberry.   By then I am sweating like a pig.  Aria is wearing her bathing suit since I didn't know we were going to pick blueberries and her fancy dress was packed to be worn.  I am stepping in what I can only hope is mud, but still and not sure what it is.   My heart is racing as the sign list it's hours and says, No Exceptions!!!   So another words, pick and be out of here on time. 

I find myself trying to savor the moment.  I am blueberry picking!!  Yet panic is hurrying each movement along as I call out like some crazy couch "Pick!!  Pick!  Less yapping and more picking!"   Finally after a half hour we all run to van with our bucket in tow and the kids are giggling to see their parents running with our arms flailing about.   We jump into the van and pay and drive like we just made a robbery of some sort.   We all breathe sighs of relief only to hear "I'm hungry!"  Yes, yes, they need to eat you foolish woman.  Going out to eat is next to impossible with my dietary issues, but also now Isaiah can rarely eat out as well.  So I have a brilliant idea.  "Hey Ar...  what do you think about spaghetti from last night?"   I felt so bad, left overs for a birthday dinner, my heart sank with guilt.  Thankfully she is the easiest going kid, "sure!!"  Sweet, score one with the easy going kid.  So left overs and blueberries for the birthday girl.    Nothing was planned, but it all worked out well.

But with each day that passed, my energy has been drained quickly.  By 5 PM, I am spent.   Everyday I pray with great goals to achieve, but realistically I know if I get more than two off of the list, I have hit a jackpot.   The odd thing was though, our super easy going girl has been a bit off.  She had a couple of accidents, which hasn't happened since she was potty training.   My brain quickly pondered a bladder infection, but then I dismissed it.   As each day that is going by our days are filling with preparations for school and even readying myself as I am a night owl and I don't care to catch the worm in the early morning.   All the while I am noticing Aria is just not acting like herself.   I found myself thinking about it, but then figured it might be a growth spurt.

All I know is I made her an avocado, hummus, cheese, and purple sweet pepper sandwich and the little vegetarian wouldn't touch it.  This was so odd for her and yesterday was not my finest Mommy moments.  I have been feeling overwhelmed with our packed schedule and now she wasn't eating something I know she likes ( big flashing light!)  and I was just down right annoyed.   I set the clock, and that is normally a sure fire bet they know I am serious.  Nothing.   Let's just say I pulled out all of my best threats, tricks, and even full out discipline.  I am not short order cook, you eat what we have, bottom line.   


That should have been a huge red flag, but my head was in the clouds with idea's of perfect parenting planning.   Yeah, no.   So I prayed a lot this morning.  I prayed for the patience to deal with things appropriately and to do it with a loving heart.   I waited for her to come into my room like she always does, nothing.   Hmmm... where is she.   So I go into her room after quite of a bit of time passed and there she was, sound asleep.

Now the alarms in my head are going off, she's sick.  Yes, the one time I really stick with my discipline and of course, she is sick.   I waited in my room and she quietly rolled on my bed.  Normally everyday she greets me with a giggle.  No giggle today, my heart sank.   I asked how she was feeling and she quietly said her tummy hurt.    This girl really has not one ounce of drama in her, so I knew she meant business.

Only the night before she was complaining that it hurt too, but I didn't see the signs and I gave her a long lecture of telling the truth.  Even though now looking back, she really does tell the truth (I need a time out) pretty much all of the time.  How did I miss it?   

Other severe issues were going on while this was all happening which I would rather keep private at this time.  But with this happening on top of it, it further complicated things.

So I pulled her in my arms and apologized and said how much I loved her and that I see now she was telling the truth.  She immediately forgave me and then rubbed my arm to console me.  She then said. "Mommy, I told you I was telling you the truth.  Oh and I threw up at 3 in the morning!"  Ummm, what?  "What are you talking about?" "Come, I'll show you."  She led me upstairs and proceeded to lead me to the ER barf bucket and sure enough she had.   I was blown away that she never came to wake us up and contained all of it, I am telling you, she is so not one to complain or bother....   So, now we are waiting on a doctor's visit.   I had an at home test for her to see if she has a bladder infection and it showed up positive.  So, now the appointment is scheduled right in the middle of all of our other stuff.  She is hardly moving and now we play the waiting game. 

Seth's big hosting event has been cancelled.  We are figuring she isn't contagious, but I can't tell you how many times I have met with people after they were sure their kids had food poisoning or the heat was too much.  Which in turn had all of us praying to G-d for mercy at the porcelain bowl promptly 24-72 hours later.  So to be on the safe side, we cancelled.  Seth is bummed.  I don't blame him.  I actually figured this would be a great way to add to my list of accomplishments to do it, so I am bummed for the both of us. 

The moral of the story, don't bite off more than you can chew.  If your child isn't acting right, there is probably a reason.  And if anyone sees my sanity running down the street, please capture it and return it to me.   I need a vacation....  Lord, help us all.    

PS  Aria tested negative for the UTI, but they did find something that indicated a more serious matter could be at hand, so they ordered lab work and we are awaiting results.

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