Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Urgent request

Hey all. I am going to try and make this quick. I am not doing well, at all. I have hardly eaten in the last month and the weight has dropped off even faster than I could have imagined. I ended up in the ER on Sunday, where they drew labs, gave me fluids, and reluctantly I accepted pain medication. Pain medication is two fold, it temporarily makes you feel better, but in the long run slows down digestion. They were alarmed at how low my weight was (I guess you just have to see it in person to get perspective) but my labs are okay. So they didn't admit me or run tests. Since then, I have gotten this feeling of tiny cuts all over my stomach along with a punch feeling. I am nauseated at any given moment. We have wanted to approach this from a natural point of view, but don't know if there is enough time. We have someone in mind who has offered help. The thing is, my Doc has Botox as the only other alternative to jejunal tube feedings. It is thought that paralyzing the sphincter muscle will allow the food to pass through. It works in only 43% of the small case studies and it lasts only for a temp. amount of time. I am reluctant with all reactions to the meds that I have had. What sent us to the ER on Sunday was a reaction to Bently which is known to be relatively safe and it had me shaking like I was naked outside in 40 below weather. Dear friends, I am asking that you pray that G-d would make it clear what we should do. I am concerned that putting a toxic material into and already damaged nerve may cause even more damage. I am asking that you pray that the Lord would intervene as I am terrified. I am realizing more and more that G-d will make a way and His way is perfect, but I know His ways are higher than ours. I am praying He will spare my life and that I can live normally again. Oh dear friends, please pray. In the ER all they kept on saying is there in nothing more they can do. They also explained why they aren't pushing for TPN or a J tube. I also am asking for G-d's peace and hand to stretch over me, my nerves are shot and the evil one is attacking. The good Lord will prevail, but I need support. Thank you


Anonymous said...

Praying for answers to the questions you have and the guidance from above....
Love ya!!!
The Gravlins

Connie Williams said...

Praying for you, Kelly. I have followed your posts for years. You are a courageous young woman.
Connie (formerly of Lakeshore Home Health Services)