Thursday, October 7, 2010

Falling for change

So another month has passed, and I being the bad blogger that I am, haven't been posting. Several times I had started to write, but then got distracted by something and never completed what I set out to do. So I will give you a review of the past month and play a little catch up. Seth and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We quietly celebrated the day a day later and were able to go out to dinner (the way to my heart is through my stomach!) without the kids and just enjoy a stroll down memory lane. We really would have liked to go up to Traverse City, but weren't able to this year (BOOO!!!) Hopefully we'll go later in the year, as we find the view so spectacularly calming . Isaiah started his 2nd year at pre-school for 4 year olds. He is doing exceptionally well and has grown leaps and bounds in all aspects of his young life. He really blows me away. He is quite the comic and says such funny things when you least expect it. He loves telling this one particular joke that goes, "what is green and wiggles in your soup? Elvis Parsley!" Only sometimes he says, "I want to tell you a joke." The person will say, "OK." Then Isaiah says. "Elvis Parsley!" and then rolls on the floor with the most contagious laughter you have ever heard. The person will stand there bewildered, and then I have to explain to Isaiah that he gave the answer and not the question. His brain is quite the sponge, he sops up info and seems to put it into action immediately. He still loves space, but now has ventured on to the interests of aquatic creatures, volcanoes, and my favorite, tornadoes (note my sarcasm). We are so pleased to see this, as he is venturing away from space and exploring new things, a great sign for things to come. He definitely is going to be a scientist of some sort as he has a thirst for knowledge. He also is in love with gymnastics. We thought it would be a great place for him to learn how to follow instructions, transitions, exercise, and socialize all at once. He is doing superbly! He makes friends every where he goes and loves to socialize. A year ago, I was without hope and totally consumed by fear of how we were going to deal with him and now he is better than I could have dreamed! Early intervention has been key and by the grace of G-d, he is improving each moment. Speaking of growth, Seth went on a all male church retreat in the UP focusing on the Wild at Heart book. It was quite tumultuous for me, as we have only been separated a couple of times and it really played on my anxiety. We've been through a lot, and we know that you can never take one day for granted. It's hard as you can tend to look on the side of worry, more than enjoyment. We were told they wouldn't be able to call, as there is no cell phone reception up there. I was so worried, as I wasn't able to know if they had arrived safely or not. Here we have hardly been apart and then I can't even call?! Argh! Needless to say, I felt like a shell of a woman. I was able to do the basics with the kids, but I couldn't help but obsess if he was okay. I prayed and prayed for a miracle, but felt nothing. The next day I was barely could focus when the phone rang. It was Seth! I felt the light of Heaven open up on me as I heard his voice. I sobbed. I know this all seems very dramatic, but if you know how close we are, you'd understand. It takes a lot for me to cry, my first instinct is to get angry, not sad, when difficult things happen. It really was a G-d thing that he was able to get reception up there, there was no other explanation. I then got to have my sister in law and dear friend who is like a sister, keep me company. It really was a growth experience for me and I am grateful (not to say I'd be eager to do it again). Seth had a wonderful time and came back an even better man, if that was possible. I couldn't stop hugging him. Well, enough of the gushy mushy stuff. Aria has fully embraced being 2. She is all about breaking boundaries, screeching, and yes, throwing herself on the floor for every little thing. She loves to sing anything and everything, especially the lead song to Veggietales. She seems to be a girly girl, who loves shoes, hats, jewelry, purses, and pretending to be a mom. She also has a tom boy side. Today, Isaiah was telling her off about how rude it is to take things from other people when, I kid you not, she clothes-lined him. She took him down and tried to even bite him! I could not believe what I was seeing. She ended up having 1/2 hour in time out, until she calmed down. She also loves digging in thedirt and doing anything that gets her adrenaline pumping(a girl after he Daddy's heart) Today I was getting Isaiah on the bus while she was playing in the back yard (it's fenced in) when low and behold what do I find? Aria sitting in the compost pile. Thankfully there wasn't anything rotting in there, but still, ewwwwwwwwwww. All in a days work I suppose. Sometimes I imagine G-d saying, "Hmmm, how's this going to challenge Kelly today??" Gotta say, I am doing much better. Elijah's birthday was on last Thursday. He would have been 6. I was able to spend the night amongst dear friends who shared my pain while preparing for the "Walk to Remember." I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend the night, except for if he was still here. I didn't have to pretend how I was feeling, I just got to be how I felt. It was so comforting to just be in the moment. Seth had planned on going out to the Mausoleum to play is cello for them. Graceland echos so wonderfully, that I just thought it was perfectly fitting. He still hasn't been able to go as he is trying to practice to make it just right. We ended up watching his movies and the kids were memorized. They really embrace things in such a beautiful way, that it makes it easy. Now I understand when people say "with a child's heart." It was so nice to see Eli and hear how silly we were with him. I could almost smell his vanilla cookie smell. It hurt to watch, but in a good way. I have been avoiding it, as sometimes it's almost to painful to bear. I'm glad the kids love to watch him as it really connects us all together and it became a joyful thing, just what I had hoped for. The Walk turned out wonderfully. Sadly, every year it gets bigger. But in a good way, it's opening up room for people to safely be able to talk about their losses and be supported. It was an honor to be able to speak on the panel this year and quite healing for us, to help others in the only way we know how. We also got to have a heart to heart talk with a couple in our lives that mean so much to us. We ended up having an awesome experience of healing. All in all, the month of September has brought huge changes in our lives. I can't explain it, but it's for the better. I pray October will be a month of great peace as I will be going on my first women's retreat. I am ecstatic to see what G-d is going to bring out, as that is what each day is about, living for Him. While I am human and make mistakes every moment, I can't help but see the beauty in it. Without mistakes, without change, without stepping beyond yourself,you can't grow. We need to grow in order to come into G-d's fullness. Each day I learn something new, sometimes it's painful and sometimes it's exciting, but it's all good. It's all good....

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