Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Escape Artist

I have quite the story to start out with, as I think this will make you laugh. We are starting to realize the difference between our two children. Isaiah, when he was Aria's age, was easily contained. He'd abide by our boundaries, while giving his opinion of what he thought. Aria, on the other hand, thinks that boundaries are meant to be broken, while being sly as she knows she doesn't want to get caught. We have now entered a phase of life that we never encountered with Isaiah, it is called, "the crib break out." Now, many of you who are parents, already know this story well. As for Seth and I, we have had no experience in this field. On Sunday night, we were winding down for the night. Seth was closing up the house, while I had gone up stairs to get ready for bed. Aria, being the little hoodlum that she is, was not falling asleep, so Seth finally put her in her crib and left to finish his tasks. I finally had crawled into bed, as it was quite late, and listened to Aria chatter in her room. I then turned my attention to the TV, as I wanted to relax, when Seth walks into the room and says "are you missing something?" I looked around the room, wondering what in the world had I forgotten. Then Seth turns around and picks up Aria, who is still, chattering away (she reminds me of those monkeys that chatter all the time). I was quite confused, as I wondered why he had gotten her out of the crib. Seth went on to explain that he was in the basement and came up the stairs and into the kitchen to see Aria finishing coming down the steps leading from the top floor. He said she looked quite satisfied with herself, and was wondering where I was (I don't let the kids go down the top floor steps by themselves as they are quite steep) and why I wasn't "laying down the law." Still a little baffled, I am wondering what happened (don't judge me, it was late at night and my brain had shut off early!) and how she got down the stairs, when it occurred to me, "She got out of the crib?" (yes I am pretty bright, er sometimes) By now, Aria had climbed into our bed and made herself cozy next to me, and seemed quite elated that she wasn't having to go to bed. I started to laugh, half because it was funny and half because now we had to be nervous. Mind you, Isaiah NEVER tried to get out of the crib. While we are having a good laugh, Seth went into her room and rigged the crib to go even lower than set for as he is my MacGuyver. He came out a while later and swept Aria into his arms to place her back into the crib. He came back to bed a few moments later and proceeded to make himself comfortable, when you know who shows up, yep Aria. We both just stared at each other and tried not to laugh, as we didn't want her to think it was funny. Seth several times more quietly picks her up and sets her in the crib and walks out (we saw this on Nanny 911 years ago) but each time our little pop tart would climb out and try to get back to me. One time, she startled me so much, Seth said, I'd looked like I had seen a ghost. Now we are in full state of confusion of, what are we in for. Thankfully, we have an Angel care monitor, which for young babies, alerts parents that their child isn't breathing. An added benefit is when they turn into toddlers, it alerts you that they got out of the crib! So we turned on the monitor when it alerted us that she'd gotten out, and off course she is playing in her room by the window. Finally Seth placed her in for the last time, when she realized that we were on to her. She wailed like a criminal that had been caught and was being sent to prison for the rest of her life. After what seemed like forever, she finally fell asleep. I was trying to figure out if this meant nap times would no longer be happening, and yes a bit of panic was setting in. So yesterday, nap time came quickly. I had dreaded it, as I didn't know what to expect. I placed her into her crib and turned on the monitor, went downstairs and waited. Sure enough with in a few minutes, she busted out, and the monitor alerted me with a blaring noise. I swept into the room without a word and picked her up and set her in the crib. She looked at me with bewilderment in her eyes. Almost as if she was thinking "How on earth did you know I had gotten out? You must have eyes all around??" She didn't try it after that and quickly fell asleep while protesting in sobs. So now it looks like it is time to break out the toddler bed (sigh, sniff sniff). That means I no longer have and "babies" in my house, just toddlers. I miss the tiny little diapers, picking them up without grunting because the weigh all of 10 pounds, their little faces full of wonder for any little thing. Yet it's pretty great that now they tell us when they want something or talk in their little chipmunk voices, mimicking every thing we do. Last night, we had our family friend over watching the kids. When she was ready to go, I told Aria to say "thank you Taylor." I just expected her to say thank you when Aria says in her tiny voice. "Bank ooh Tayyor, see you soon!" and then proceeds to blow her a kiss. Both Seth and I about melted into a puddle she was so cute! Isaiah walks up to me and says "Mom and Dad, I missed you sooooooooooo much! Where did you go?" I was shocked as Isaiah rarely seems to miss us, since he loves interacting with people. I proceeded to tell him what we did, and he seemed satisfied that he didn't miss anything, Seth and I just smiled at each other. With all the chaos with kids, you can easily feel over whelmed, but when it gets down to it, it is so worth it. We wouldn't trade a moment for anything. Now, I just have to figure out how to keep Aria in her bed, any suggestions? If it is to confusing to leave a message on the blog, go ahead and leave one on my facebook page. I need all the help I can get!! Hope you found this entertaining!

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