Friday, June 11, 2010

Last Day of School

I can hardly believe it. Isaiah finished his last day of school. It is so hard to believe that a whole school year has gone by. I feel like we just got his diagnosis and the out look, was grim. We were paralyzed by his behavior as we couldn't understand how to help him. The doctor suggested that school might help cultivate new relationships and teach transitions. We only had days to get him evaluated by the school system to see if he'd be a candidate. We were squeezed in at the very last moment with a blessing of an opening! A ray of light! At that point, Isaiah refused to really pay attention to any other kids. He was so off in his own world that any shift in schedule sent him reeling with anger and frustration. At this point I wondered how I could ever parent him properly. I was reassured over and over again that school might be in our best interest. I couldn't get over the fact that I was going to be sending my tiny little 3 year old on the bus and away from me, impossible! Could it really make that much of a difference? Hardly! But it did! Our little guy is living up to his potential and then some. Not only is a genius, but he is actually interacting and enjoying the company of kids his own age. Before, it seemed only adults or older kids were only worthy of his attention, but now, he is wrestling, grunting, and doing all sorts of things that little boys like to do. He is still our little professor, but now with an edge and full of expression. He has the best belly laugh that can melt the coldest of hearts. Now we embark on summer. I am a bit nervous as not only do kids tend to regress in the summer, but with his it's crucial to maintain and improve his behavior. I am planning on story boarding our day out, so that he always knows what is coming. I have found a group called Bright Beginnings that are for all kids under the age of 5 and it's free!! It might be a lot of driving, but both kids can participate and it's always something new with lots of social interaction!! I am hoping to make friends all the way around and really get immersed in what our kids need. Not to mention swimming, library time, Sunday school, nature walks, and more!! I am really excited to become a kid again this summer. A bit of a jump, I am hoping to teach Isaiah the Element of the Periodic Table, and my parents are going to be teaching him Hebrew! Aria is reading and singing while caring for her baby dolls. I know it'll be a challenge, but with G-d's grace, this hopefully will be a summer of hope, optimism, and change. Isaiah comes to me each day with his thoughts and feelings. We have bonded so much and he tells me each day that I am his best Mommy. That's a pretty big deal, considering just one year ago, he'd barely interact with me. Man, these teachers deserve the millions of dollars that all the pro athletes receive. They are amazingly gifted and really shape our kids in a way a we can't. To you that home school, you are amazing!! I am just so impressed by teaching skills, they are so pivotal and yet you don't think twice in most instances what a difference they make in our lives. So today I rejoice and PRAISE the Lord for all that He has done. Last year, I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself. Why couldn't things be easier? On days like today, I can see a chip of G-d's plan for us. I love it when you have those "ah ha" moments. Life is tough, hard, brutal, yet there is nothing like it when you watch your child laugh, smile, and yes, sleep. Time really does go by so fast, it almost seems surreal. Months ago I cried as Isaiah got onto the bus for the first time, it seemed so unknown and painful. Could he ever get better? Today I cried tears as I saw my big boy get off the big yellow school bus and run into my arms saying "Summer's here! Now I get to be with YOU!" As the big yellow bus drove away, I couldn't help but smile, it's going to be a great summer. May G-d be PRAISED!!

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