Friday, May 21, 2010

Moving along

I have been doing terrible keeping up on my blog. Who knew that things were going to get so busy? I'll first start with a kiddo update. Isaiah is doing tremendously well at school. They have seen such a vast improvement all around. He is now even playing pretend with the other kids, which is a hard concept for most PDD-NOS kids. He loves children and I love watching him interact with them. When we go to the park, he is transitioning so much better. None of the other parents stare anymore, which really says a lot. He and I have been bonding quite a bit this week. I have been trying extra hard to have patience with his repeated questions and to actually try and think like a child. As you know, I am not the typical woman/mom. I never really liked babysitting growing up, I'd rather mow someones lawn or do work with my hands. I never really saw myself having kids, as I wanted to have a high powered career. That all changed when I met Seth. I suppose he tamed my wild heart. Especially after having Aurora, it made my want for children that much greater. But even with Eli, Seth was the one that cuddled and played, where as I was so desperate to keep him alive that I almost became some what clinical. That's pretty much how I have been since then. So I have made a vow to become, more kid like. To let go of the house work, the worry of budgeting, the "keeping up with the Jones" mentality. I have to remind my self to let go of my inhibitions and just enjoy the moments of being silly and not caring how ridiculous I look. So, now I am learning to flap my arms like a bird and run in the back yard, followed by a robot dance, or flying like an astronaut through space. Isaiah just keeps on hugging me and saying "Mommy, I love you so much!" I even have been upgraded to going to Pluto. Before only Grammy was allowed to go (imagination play) but now I get to, which is a huge honor. He is making friends and actually engages in play at the play ground. This has been so exciting to see. He runs up to them and says "hello boy, would you like to play?" Then they talk, and it is so adorable. We also have been sending him to Sunday school at Mars Hill. They have been so wonderful in helping us mainstream him, while accommodating him where he needs it, without making a big deal about it. It's been so nice to be able to sit in the service again. Aria has just gotten her first taste of nursery and really doesn't like it. She cries and then plays "possum" this one particular guy that she seems to have a connection with. But with all this kid exposure we have been constantly sick. Mars has pretty big classes and let's face it, toddler's love to swap spit. So we have already been to the doctor 2x's this week. Aria has a really bad sinus infection, along with croup (which just started late last night). Last week we had one of the worst colds we have had in ages, that I still haven't been able to quite shake. Then I go to wake Isaiah up this morning for school and he couldn't even open his eyes. Yep, pink eye. I have never dealt with it before, so this is a new experience. Obviously, I had to keep him home from school, which made his day. Aria is becoming such a young lady. She mimics every thing I do, whether singing, cleaning, putting on a tea party with her brother, and playing with her kitchen. She's very girly, but definitely has a tom boy side to her. Her new thing is biting. If Isaiah takes anything away from her, she chases him around with her razor sharp teeth to let him know, he has crossed the line. She rarely ever chomps down, but like a wild animal, she has to have something to fend off the predator that dare taketh her tea kettle. Seth has been quite busy with work, which is great. We never know how long it's going to last, but we take it when we can get it. I am loving the landscaping of our lawn. I love working outside and especially mowing my lawn. Maybe it's the OCD in me that loves to watch the lines form as I walk on by. I especially am loving planting flowers. Being that our house is so old, it's so fun to see what a little color can do to make it that much more better. Plus cheaper than focusing on all the inside remodels that need to be done. Seth and I are looking into moving. Right now, the market isn't so good, so we know it's going to take some time. We are trying to come up with a goal. We just feel that we have outgrown this area. I don't know how to explain it, but lately we have just been feeling trapped. We really need to grow in our life experience, and I don't want to just sit around and wait for something to happen. His job has been questionable for so long and it's almost like waiting for the other shoe to drop. It'd be nice to move to another state where it had more economic stability. I've never really fit in with the West MI personality. They tend to be more reserved and keep things in. Me, on the other hand, I say what is on my mind, good or bad, and probably am way to open. I stick out like a sore thumb. It's been 12 years since I first moved here, and I still feel like I am adjusting. So we are really trying to pray that G-d will open some new doors or windows to allow some healthy change come into our lives to help us grow. I must get back to my little munchkins who keep me on my toes. They are getting so big. I had no idea time really would go by so fast. Each moment when they are little like this is so precious. Sorry about not posting any pictures, we are still trying to locate the files to help us to transfer. I will update more as soon as I can. Until then, may you be blessed.

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