Monday, May 24, 2010


Goodness, gracious! Can you believe, fellow Michigan people, that just last week we were wearing warm coats? We have now traded in our parkas for sunscreen! While I worked yesterday, Seth smartly installed our air conditioners back into their rightful places, called the window. I am so relieved they are still working as this little house likes to bake in summer. The kids have gotten to experience our latest sprinkler, which consists of little arms that move around. Isaiah loves it to no end, where as Aria had enough. I think it's safe to say, she is a pool wader and not a sprinkler hopper. I am really excited about this latest food change. We are trying to cut out most processed foods. The biggest reason, is my dear sweet son loves to carb load. He wouldn't even give fruit a chance. Now we have switched over to whole grain foods, fresh fruits and veggies, low fat cheeses, and very little processed. Although, my baby lady can't give up her veggie straws for dear sweet life! Now Isaiah is embracing the wonderful world of fruit. I admit, I really don't like them much, I'd rather eat veggies. He on the other hand loves strawberries and raspberries. With all of his texture issues, this a huge step! Aria of course, is our little vegetarian. She'd pick carrots and peas over chicken nuggets any day! Tonight we are going to try salmon and quinoa (which is awesome!) We just keep on trying to offer healthy choices. String cheese has now replaced gold fish crackers and whole grain crackers have replaced chips, and so on. I must say, it has put a strain on our budget, but it's health benefits are well worth it. I just with Meijer's would stop having fried chicken wafting through the building, arghh!! Seth just grabs my hand and defers my attention (Lord bless him!) The weather is scorching, so we have now moved our bike rides to the morning hours so we don't melt along the paths. Yesterday, I pulled Aria and Isaiah in the trailer about 2 miles on substantial inclines. Seth followed behind asking "You okay up there? Are you going to make it?" I replied,"Yes, and I can't wait for that spinach, goat cheese, beet, and walnut salad!" As sweat is pouring down my face creating what I like the call, the sweat 'stache. For all you blessed ladies who haven't inherited this wonderfully embarrassing gene, it's where sweat pools above and below your mouth, creating almost a goatee, but mainly a mustache of sweat. This makes for a wonderful ego boost as you run into people. Well, I am looking forward to pools being opened where I can sit a pool of coolness as I exercise. I am determined to get myself into shape if it kills me, okay that's a little dramatic, maybe until it irritates me! We went to a cousin's birthday party on Saturday and had a lovely time out in the woods. We are blessed that he has such amazingly wonderful cousins. I am hoping Isaiah and Aria will have a special bond with them, as they bring such joy to our lives. They are all growing so fast and are so beautiful and smart. I just love watching them play together. It was so fun walking on the trails with them in the woods. Isaiah would run ahead as the kids bounced with delight. You could see all their minds going a mile a minute investigating each thing. Out in the woods, Isaiah ran across a field, not knowing there was creek below and fell in. I would have laughed, but he has no depth perception. This is hard to explain to people. He sees an eye specialist where they do this test to identify it. They explained that he doesn't see things in heights or depth, he just sees it straight across. When he goes down stairs, he'll just walk right off if not for us explaining it. Play ground equipment is very difficult to see him on. Aria knows to be cautious and look around, Isaiah will back up without looking, assuming he won't fall. Sadly, he has. He almost has to memorize the equipment, but even then, he gets excited and caught up in the moment. I was also watching intently to see how he interacted with his cousins. You could tell he really loved being with them, only he'd get fixated on the balls. This is something the doctor had warned us about. Any social situation, we have to give up our time and take it as a learning experience for him. I was sad to see all the other kids playing happily together, while he just would do his own thing. He'd follow the kids, but they'd be doing their thing and he wouldn't know how to join in without doing in a parallel fashion. He has done well with certain kids, so I have to remind myself that the age categories are very different. It's probably more and age issue that I realize, but I still worry. I want him to fit it. I don't want him to feel that he is different, but at the same time, I know we have to be real. If I don't do something now, this could affect him for the rest of his life. He has so much to give and is so loving, I just wish he knew how to join in, you know? I used to think maybe I was over reacting, but after speaking with his doctor, they urged us really to get on track and not back down. I am not a fan of the apprentice, but I saw the end of it yesterday. Holly Robinson Peete was talking about how expensive it is for treating and care for a child with any form of autism. Even in our case, there is little funding and the insurance barely helps. Because it's an issue you don't have a full understanding of, the insurance companies don't want to help. It's crazy, as if you are with any of these children, they are all so brilliant and beautiful and all deserve a chance at live and not be thrown by the wayside, as weird, or the elephant in the room. I remember wondering if Isaiah had this early on and everyone assured me he was fine. While he has a very mild version, it's taxing. I don't know how these other parents with full on autistic kids do it. It's hard on you r social life and your home life. There needs to be more help. I don't know, maybe I need to get into advocating for them. Lord knows we have had plenty of experience with the medical world with Eli and now with Isaiah. But get one thing straight. I love my Isaiah, he is so unique and special. I love his brilliance and he has a heart of gold. One day, he is going to be more successful than I can even imagine. The doctor's have assured us of this. Plus, I don't know if you know this, he is hilarious. We have been blessed with such amazing kids. Well, it's a gorgeous day and I have tons to do. Watch, pray, believe, and be amazed.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I love Isaiah too - he has an absolutely fabulous personality and I miss him like crazy! (and the rest of you, too!) Give him and Aria a hug for me!