Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bus Driver

So yesterday turned out to be quite interesting. In the morning, Isaiah did great getting off to school. Normally, we run into some type of confrontation, but not yesterday. So as I begrudgingly did my bills and made my Monday calls, well I was none the wiser. As Isaiah happily jumped off the school bus, his driver looks at me and says, "Isaiah was acting a fool." I stood there dumbfounded. She went on to inform me, when I walked away he started to scream, hit, and kick her. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. The ever dreaded day had come. I know all kids learn this behavior, but Isaiah has never, not once raised his hand to any of us. He normally just flails around like a fish out of water, but never hits or kicks. He has tossed me looks, that look like he wants to beat my tush, but violent? Never. The whole reason I am going to a different specialist on Thursday, is the current one isn't giving us any tools on how to handle his behavior. Instead, we have pretty much winged it on our own and done a pretty good job (although it is utterly exhausting). But I am running out of ideas and this is exactly what I wanted to be prepared for, the aggressive outbursts. Right now, he is only 3. So I can pretty much over power him most of the time. But when he is 16 and full of hormonal rage, not so much. I knew this day was coming, but I was hoping it would hold off, just a little longer. After he got into the house, I paced back and forth on how to handle the situation. While he is only 3, he also has the memory of a genius. I asked him why he did it. He responded that the driver was sad (sometimes he gets confused with mad) so again I tried to dig around for answers. He finally came up with "it was an accident. I didn't mean it!" and fell into my arms to cry. I felt bad at first, but then wondered if he was pulling one over on me. I talked to several other people on how to handle it, but nothing really was solved. So this morning as I got his stuff on, he says "I need to say I am sorry to ___ because I hit her yesterday." I was so happy that not only had he remember, but he owed up to it on his own! As we got nearer to the time, I kept on reminding him that we needed to tell the driver that he was sorry. As we neared the bus, he started to hesitate, which is never a good sign. I made sure not to physically nudge him in any way. Much to my surprise he got on the bus and apologized and hugged her. I was so proud of him (even though I was sweating buckets while waiting to see how he was going to respond). I am still worried about the outburst as he has never done that before. I just hope he doesn't continue to express himself in this manner as I feel like we already have so much to deal with. I am so counting down the days to his appt. to finally get some sort of tangible info. to help us out. All I can pray is what some great gals at my bible study said "G-d, be big." We really need it.