Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Elijah's Dream

Yesterday I wrote about picture day and all the silliness that followed.  What I haven't written about, yet feel compelled to do so, is a subject very near and dear to my heart.  

Last night we had to attend and open house for school.  The kids were all abuzz about going and begged me to come along.  I was surprised that they wanted me to.  I had no intention to go, as I knew that the large crowds plus the heat would equal me being a bit on edge.  I love the fact that they are eager to go to school and I want them to revel in that joy for as long as they can.  So sometimes, I try to bow out to allow Daddy to have as much fun without me hovering over each movement.   But they asked, and I know that the ages that they are in, where they aren't ashamed to be with us, is to be treasured. 

So we packed everybody up and the school reminded me of a colony of a bee's buzzing to the hive to see the Queen bee.   There were so many families and everyone was clustering in the halls chattering about.  Some of the kids seemed so filled with joy, while others seemed to walking around bewildered and even a bit fearful.  We were making way around the school to find classrooms and set up pick up plans to prepare them and me for what is in store this year.

Then it hit me, Aurora and Elijah.  

I can't tell you how much they are on our minds each day.  Being the parent of a child that has passed, doesn't mean that we ever get used to them being gone.  I don't know how to quite explain it, but I think for those who don't know, they might assume that we just get used to them being gone, especially since they were only here for such a brief amount of time.

I can't tell you how often I struggle to answer the question of, "How many children do you have?"   Do I say 2, 4, or 6?

Obviously we have 2 alive and well, but then we also had Aurora and Elijah and that makes 4.  We also have had 2 miscarriages in between Eli and Aurora, which makes 6.   There is always that tricky answer of who do I share my pearls with?  I have found for the most it will depend on my mood and how interested the individuals really are.

We live in a society where it is not acceptable to dwell on grief.  If  you go into the bible and really seek out how the death of a loved one was handled, it normally entailed sack cloth and ashes, weeping, and everyone coming to surround them with whatever needs that needed.  It was taken seriously.  It was not belittled.  It was not put off.  They embraced it, as they truly acknowledged that value of life and loss.   In some countries to this day, they hoist the deceased on their shoulders and wail openly and let it all out.  They miss their loved one and they aren't ashamed of who knows it.  It isn't judged as drama or attention seeking.  It isn't annoying.  It's a part of life and they weep with those who weep.

In the past few months alone I have had several friends who have had miscarriages.  They know that I understand, and G-d has allowed my pain to become a safe haven for those who are experiencing the very thing we once had walked alone.  They all have chosen to grieve in different ways and it has been quite the learning process for me to see that we all handle things so differently.   But the one commonality is that they all need someone to listen, to feel safe with, and to know they aren't alone.  So more and more I am learning to say I have 6 children.  Not to mention Isaiah will rake me through the coals if I don't include our two tiniest.   So we have 4 in heaven and 2 on earth.

I remember when I used to work in homes and took care of those who had lost children, in their late age they would speak openly about the little ones that they had lost long ago, but at that time they weren't allowed to talk about them.  It was deemed unacceptable and I think most women really had to truck it alone and suffer in silence and alone.  So I would hear them speak of their little ones and yet there was no record of children that they were speaking of.  But as I listened, I understood.  They were their little ones, they counted, and even after 60 and 70 years, they were missed.  

I am now being told more and more about stories of elderly patients who are some where between death and life who actually speak of seeing little boys or little girls.  Some know that they had siblings that had passes, while others had no clue.  The crazy part, they find out later that there really was a brother or sister that had died long ago, with no mention their entire life.  Yet on their parents death bed, they speak and even see the ones they had quietly missed throughout all of the years.

There is so much that I am finding out about truth.  How important it is to be honest with others and share your joy and pain with others as this is not a journey meant to be traveled alone.  What I am saying is that even though it's been 11 years since Aurora Passed, 10 since the miscarriages (who do have names), 9 since Elijah has passed, they are still ever present on my mind every day as much as when they first left.   My thoughts go to them through out the day in wonder and in remembering.

I speak of this not to say I am in a constant state of sorrow, but that this is our reality.  Some days the memories are full of joy and while others leave us with a sense of longing for what was and what was supposed to be.

So as I got out of the van yesterday it hit me.  Aurora would be going into 6th grade.  I can only imagine her getting her first bit of acne, her fist heavy duty crushes.  Her chatting on the phone endlessly with her BFF's.  Elijah, our sweet double dimpled little guy would be in 4th grade.  Goodness, I can only imagine what he would have been interested in, whether it would be books, sports, or just down right playing.   As I held tightly to Aria's hand and Isaiah walking snuggly next to me, I felt my eyes well up with tears in feeling their absence.   I see other 11,10, and 9 year olds and I can't help but pause and ponder how different our lives would be.

I have had so many compliment our parenting style.  A few have chalked it up to the fact that we only have two children and had we had all of them we wouldn't be the parents that we are.   I somewhat agree but for very different reasons.   For us had we had all of our children, not only would it have been a zoo, and yes I think our styles of parenting would have been different but only because we have walked a road we didn't intend to.   For me, I think I am different (not better) because every day we live with the reminders of how fortunate we really are.  We know what it is like to have a child take up every hour of the day with constant parenting only to be left with an empty room.  I remember at times it felt eerie going into Elijah's room after he died.  No longer was there the noise of  dialysis machine humming, the blood pressure cuff and pulse ox beeping, no coo's, nothing....  It was all so silent.  Our world became silent.

Ever since they have passed I have begged G-d for dreams about them.  I have only had one dream involving Aurora and it was quite abstract.  Elijah, I had one a few years ago, but it brought me little comfort.

Last night, my prayer was answered and my little man came for a visit (tears pouring from my face).

I don't remember every detail, but the room was bright and Elijah was at the age he had passed away at.  Almost as if no time had passed.   He was smiling at me with his double dimples and big ole soulful blue eyes.   I had no indication if the room was at home or the hospital, but I didn't care.   I felt such peace.  I was chattering with him and encouraging him to speak.   I kept on telling him how much I wanted to hear his voice.  He just smiled with a coy look about him.  I hugged him (seriously I am still crying) and picked him up.  I felt his weight on my body and my heart was soaring.  It was if I had known he had already died and I was getting those 5 extra minutes I had begged for.  I was doting on every movement and all the while he is smiling.  He said a short sentence and for the life of me I can't remember it, but I squealed and jumped up and down with delight.  He grinned.  It was if time had stood still.  Life was happening all around me, but I was totally devoted to each movement he made.

He then reached for his peritoneal dialysis line.  He had it most of his short life.  It was coiled in a spiral underneath a layer of his belly skin.  Most of the time he was tethered to it, until the dialysis was complete.  Some days he would be on it all day, while others for a few hours.  In his life he never messed with it.  We had taped it up so that he it would be out of his reach.  But in the dream he looked at me and began to pull it out.   I felt a bit of panic pass through and I told him not to do that, but he just looked at me with peace in his eyes and pulled it out.  A bunch of water gushed out and I ran to look for Dr. Bunchman (His Nephrologist at the time he was alive) for help.  He wasn't with his partner, in fact I stopped and asked where Dr. Barletta was.  He just waved the question away (which he used to do) and he walked back with me.  

Aria was in my room while I was asleep.  Normally once I awake, I can't get the same dream back, but for some reason I was caught between being aware of Aria and yet still dreaming of Elijah.  I didn't want to wake up, I just wanted to stay with him and make sure that he was alright.  I didn't feel bad, just I was just being a Mom who wanted to fix my little guy, even if only for a moment.   My eyes locked with his and I saw his small little body, so full of life, right there, so close.   I finally woke up and my heart was filled with a peace I can't explain.  I have been crying tears of joy all day.  After 8 long years, I got to hold Mr. Buddy Buddy Pants for the minutes I have begged for.  I know it sounds crazy, but  it was so real. 

He didn't look sick, he looked happy.  He wasn't puffy (edema), he was healthy pudgy.   One can only speculate what the dream meant.  What I took away from it was an answer to prayers.  I got to be with him.  It was almost as if he was showing me the way things used to be and where he is now.  He doesn't need dialysis anymore.  He isn't in pain.  He is alive in heaven and one day I will be where he is and never have to feel the sorrow his or any of my other children's absence.   It was a gift from G-d. 

Am I a good Mom because of how many children I have?  No.  When I am good (because let's face it, sometimes I don't make the grade) I owe to G-d and for the fact of the road that He has had us walk.  Some Mom's are born to be Mom's and are naturally good at it.  Me, not so much.  I believe G-d used their lives to shape me.  To increase my faith.  To make me aware of how delicate life truly is.  Before them, I really had no concept of the finality of death.  I had no concept of the importance of devoted parenting.  I had no concept of G-d and who He really is.   While the pain of daily life and all it brings doesn't diminish the hurt, it has opened my heart and my mind to keep on searching for G-d and all that his grace and truth has to offer.

I have my down days.  My loved ones around me have seen me and let's face it, will continue.  But on the days where I am able to keep my heart open for what G-d has in store for me, is worth more than any amount of money or hardship.   No, I am not who I am because of my strength.  I am who I am (and still searching) because it is my Lord that guides me, strengthens me, gives me hope when I have none, and knows me better than I know myself.  He does answer prayers.  Although our timing is not his timing, if you take the time to be still and wait and truly believe, He will come.  

I want to encourage everyone out there, to stop and reach out to those around you.  Yes, I know you are busy.  I know that you are stressed out beyond belief.  But as a good friend told me, when you help others around you, you have no idea how that may change the course of their life.  It isn't about us, it's about others.  I encourage you to go to that funeral home or funeral for someone that you knew, no matter how hard it is, no matter how busy you are.   You never know the day when it could be you on the other side, needing someone to take time out of their day to enter into your pain.   This can be used in any situation, a divorce, a sickness in the family, a mental illness, financial loss, drug addiction, rebellion,  seriously it can apply to any and all things that seem like every day.   All it takes is for one act of mercy to open one's heart to hope.   You have all seen how much others have helped us.  I don't think it to be coincidence.  I think it to be G-d showing others just what we need when we need it.  

Watch, pray, believe, dream, and be amazed....  Mama loves you Punky Pants}{

PS  After much thought, in my opinion the dream showed as he was and now how I believe he is.  That he no longer needs his PD line and instead of blood, possibly the water represented "living waters" that he now receives from G-d, where he thirst, hunger, and pain are no more.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Adventures in Picture Day

Today was picture day for the kids school.  I don't know about you, but picture day for me was pretty much a huge ordeal.  I am telling you the honest truth that every odd year 1st, 3rd, 5th,.... something happened to deform my pictures.  This was back in the day when they did pictures without parental supervision.

Apparently I had anxiety at a young age and was overly aware of what was going on.  I remember specifically 5th grade picture day.  I woke up feeling good (I was sick a lot as a child) and figure, Score!!!  So this was back in the day of bad perms and skyscraper bangs (Don't deny it people, we all did it!) and I was determined to get mine to the perfect height.  Just the right amount of hairspray to hold it all day (I sadly admit to contribution to the hole in the ozone due to all of my aerosol cans of hairspray) and voila!   I got my best dress on and pretty much was very pleased with myself that I had beaten the odd year curse.

Carefully I walked down to the bus stop, picture order in my hand and practicing flashing my best smile but without showing my teeth (I had a gap).  So as we waited in the chilliness of the day for our bus, my eye started to itch.  I couldn't figure out why, but just blew it off.  By the time the bus had gotten there, something was horribly wrong.  I could barely see out of my eye and I had no clue what was going on.  Being that I was around 11, no one on the bus bothered to tell me the ugly truth, my eyelid was swelling.  We pulled up to the school and I quick ran to the bathroom and my eye was swollen shut, bright pink, and puffy.  Seriously...   So they had to call my parents to come and get me and my victory was snuffed out as quickly as it had started.   We later went to the doctor and they were never able to figure out what had happened....  The curse of the odd year pictures carried on all the way through 11th grade and yes, even to this day it still manages to make way into our collage of pictures.   I am many things, but photogenic is not one of them.

Which brings us to today.  Thankfully our kid's school does the pictures before school begins, which is AWESOME!   Seth has had the pamphlets taped to the wall, but honestly it has been my form of denial of summer ending, so I have refused to look at them.  But alas today was the day I had to make a decision of what package to pick from and so on.

Alright, rant of the day.  HOLY COW!!   Kids school pictures are so stinkin' expensive!   All I want in a 8x10 for us and 2 5x7's for the grandparents, and a class picture.  That's it.   No frills, just basics people.  I know it sounds horrible, but now a days we take so many pictures that we don't need to mail everyone a photo, although I am sure it would be nice.  But on top of that, the cost was shocking!   You can't order a la carte, unless you order a huge package.  I can't tell my kids I am not going to order pictures, that would just be devastating.  So I found the best package that we swallow and signed the checks with a big gulp and thought to myself,  we'll make the best out of it and make them look fabulous! 

So I figured let's make this fun for them and get them all dolled up.  Aria's hair was a bit wavy so I offered to flat iron her hair if she wanted.  She loved this idea as I have only done it one other time.  I laid out all the hair pretties for her to choose from and let her choose.  Of course she picked the one I wasn't to keen on, but whatever.  I wanted her to have fun and to make her own choices.   So, I managed to trash two rooms in less than one hour pulling everything out to make things easily accessible.    We brushed teeth till they sparkled.  Cleaned all remnants of lunch off of their faces (this is big people) and picked out nice little outfits to be dazzling in.   Aria pleaded for some make up (and so it begins) so I appeased her with a little blush and barely there lip gloss.  Isaiah was a piece of cake to do his hair and then we practiced smiling.

Practice smiling?  Yes, there is a difference in how they smile.  So far cheese smiles, look cheesy and as though they are going to get a shot of some sort.   So I kept on trying to have them think about funny things and to giggle.  Fine, well done, good enough, let's go. 

Going by myself was a big step in itself.   It might not seem like much, but for me, these things can be a challenge energy wise.  Any time I go somewhere I have to figure out it there is a place to sit down in case I get winded.  Especially if I am feeling anxious.  I didn't know what to expect going during the day, but I figured there would be less people and that would make things easier to navigate and hopefully not have to stand in line for a long time.

Kids, check.  Picture forms signed and paid for, check.  Car keys, check.  Brush for mishaps, double check.   Aria seemed to be feeling good enough to go, so off we went.  This is when things get a bit sticky.

I pull up to the school and there were only a few cars, so already it's a bonus.  So I happily hop out of the van and free the kids from their seatbelts.  I look at Aria and her head band and hair is a complete mess.  People, it takes like 3 minutes to get to their school.  How do you mess your hair up in 3 minutes?!   Not only that but as she gets out, her skirt is sliding down lower and lower so that her undies are showing.  What on earth?  Her skirt fit just fine at home and now it's about to shimmy down her legs.  Okay, no sweat hike it up and let's get out of here, I just need the brush.  The brush... Where is the brush!  Where did it go?  I start thrashing around the van tipping things on their side, looking under, over, and even on the ceiling (hey, with kids you never know), nothing.   No brush (insert panic).  Aria looks like she just came out of the jungle and with the mono her little face already looks a bit sickly and now the hair just completes the deal.

I know, I know, there are worse things in life.  Trust me, we of all people know that.  Honestly, this is just for pure entertainment value and to remind myself to keep on laughing.  Not only that, but I think G-d is allowing me to deal with situations so that I can grow.  Anxiety and fear have been some of my biggest enemies, so really with each situation I have been trying to force myself to face my fears head on.

So now Aria looks like Cousin It and her skirt is barely hanging on, her panda undies are peeking through, and then I realize, her shirt is too small.  Her belly button is hanging out, sigh.   How did I not notice?  For a split second I contemplated going home and just go in later with Seth.   No.  NO!!!  I can do this myself!  I have to try.   So what if things aren't perfect, life is messy.  I don't want to fall into my usual trap of trying to wait till things are perfect, it doesn't happen. 

So we walked in and made our way to photographers.  I smoothed out Aria's hair as best as possible, pulled down her shirt and we went for it.  Isaiah stood on one side and Aria on the other and they both got them done at same time.  Being the helicopter/control freak Mom that I am this was pretty frustrating.  I found myself pacing back and forth (and I wonder why I have stomach issues) trying to make them laugh.  Isaiah was pretty set on his own.  I decided that ship had sailed and to just let go.  Aria on the other hand was posing, yes posing.  She cocked her head to the side, put her arms up, anything to make it a more glamorous shot.  I wanted to laugh my tush off.  The poor photographer was trying her best to be patient and instruct Aria on what to do.   All the while Aria has this smile that reminded me of someone who was on their way to get a root canal.    She couldn't smile.  It was like she froze in terror.  So the lady snaps a shot and Aria at the last second throws up her hands.   The lady by now is getting frustrated and begs Aria to keep her hands down.  I am trying to be silly in the background but nothing was helping. 

I felt at that moment my body surrender.   I found myself thinking to G-d, alright I am letting go.  It doesn't matter how much money is involved, this isn't worth it.  Click.  They let me look at the photos.  Isaiah's is smiling so hard that you can hardly see his eyes and Aria looks constipated, done.   The lady nicely asked if I wanted to retake it again.  My control freak ways wanted to say "YES!"  But then I said, "No, that is fine." 

After all, each photo doesn't have to perfect.  In fact there is something to be said about those photographs where things are messy.  They give better stories and they can create laughter instead of memories of anxiety and living up to an expectation that cannot be filled.  I want my kids to feel okay with themselves and not give into the lie that everything needs to be perfect. 

Where there is perfection (by human standards) there is stress.  I can only imagine how many fun memories we could have made in letting things just be more relaxed.  Maybe I should have just let her hair be crazy and not made her practice her smile so that she really would want to smile.  Either way, I have learned a huge lesson.  Just let go...   It's a lesson that I seem to be coming to terms with over and over again, and my type A personality just kicks in and sucks the fun out whatever might have been.

Besides, I am alive.  I got to take my kids to picture day for the first time ever, on my own!!!  I have been too sick the past few years to even go.   Aria got glammed up and loved every moment of it.  Isaiah and I got to discuss the benefits of hair smoothing gel.  More than anything, they thought it was fun.   The part that got me to laugh was finding the brush in the van.  Yes, it was there all along but wasn't found until after the pictures.   Okay G-d I get it, release the control and just trust and enjoy each moment.  And when things don't go the way you expect, you know there will be great story to share.  

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers for Aria and our entire family.  I know mono isn't that big of a deal compared to all of the other stuff we have had to deal with, but when it's your kid you never like to see them in pain or not feeling well.  I have learned to have empathy for even the simplest of things as let's face it, life can be a bit overwhelming and it's the little stuff that seems to make me snap.  

Watch, pray, believe, laugh, and be amazed. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lab Results and Writing

For those who read my blog, yesterday I posted about Aria not feeling well.   While it may seem odd that I resort to letting people pray at any little affliction, we have been through a lot and we take things very seriously.   

When we left I had suspected a UTI and the office wanted to see her sooner than later.  I don't know how to explain it, but this past week she just has seemed off.  Not whiny, just almost melancholy, which is so opposite of here.   I had hesitated to make an appointment sooner, as I didn't have enough to go on and frankly we try to avoid the doctor's office as much as possible.

While I wasn't keen about the idea of antibiotics (I know too much) I figured we'd bite the bullet and get it over with it.  But then Seth called to notify me her UA came back negative but that they detected glucose in her urine.  The biggest thing they were suspecting was diabetes.   I was stunned.  I know it is a management process, but some people with diabetes are at risk for so many issues, one of them being GP amongst many other things.

Like I said, we have a wide variant of people that we know.  One of them was a friend of ours who is diabetic and she ended up going into a diabetic coma while nursing her infant son and he ended up passing away.  We know so many other stories and I know diabetes is nothing to push off.  So I called my friend and she prayed with me.

I figured if all was okay or manageable that they wouldn't call for a while.  At about 11:30 last night I finally started to relax and figure that nothing was up and we prepared to go to bed.  The phone rang and my blood ran cold. 

First I will say, Thanks be to G-d in heaven as it is not cancer or diabetes!!!  So we rejoice in that news.  What they did find was Mono.  All I could think was, she must have licked something!  Proof all the more that she really does lick stuff!  As most of you know Mono is more commonly found in teenagers than children (at least that is what I thought).   She isn't contagious as long as she isn't running a fever, but her symptoms will ebb and flow.

I kept on wondering why she seemed so down lately and apparently she is just exhausted and she is in pain.  I know from being a teenager when it spread around school and when I had gotten it, I felt like doody and I missed a huge chunk of school that year.  I just remember being so sleepy and achy.  The other thing we have watch is her spleen.  She has been complaining that her tummy hurts and being that she threw up, they attributed it to that she is in pain.   So they have advised us to be extra vigilant about making sure we protect her abdomen from any trauma.  So we are going to be relaxing for the next week or so and making sure she isn't running around to protect her little belly.

Mono can be contagious with a fever (although they said it's more sharing utensils or swapping spit), so we are asking for prayers that she would recover quickly and also that it would not spread to the rest of us (if your read my post a week ago about the soap up her nose, we ended up swapping spit (insert shutter)).  Seth and I are already so run down and my immune system has taken quite a beating this past few years.  We have school right around the corner and I have am just praying for the anxiety to subside.   I realize that kids are going to pick up things and this is just part of life.  I know that G-d is working on me to help me overcome my fears and apparently he is having me face them head on, and since I am human I get easily overwhelmed.

So I as you may have noticed I am returning to writing.  I feel the Lord has given me the drive to write, to provide me with an emotional outlet, to remember, and hopefully to inspire others in any way that the Lord deems fit.   My goal is to share in my journey to connect with others and to move forward.  

I love comments and to be able to interact with my readers, so feel free to share!   On a positive note Aria has been a bit more smiley today.  We do ask for prayers for our whole family right now for healing and blessings.  This past decade(yes, I said decade) has been a bit overwhelming and Seth and I are worn out.  At the same time I can't complain as I feel with each trial that we have been blessed to see G-d's mighty hand at work.  I am still believing that my healing from my stomach issues, and my heart and soul are in process.  We are thankful for the words of encouragement, the family and friends that we are blessed to have (especially those who truly have been there when things spiral out of control), and most of all for a G-d that hears our cries and extends his new mercies every day.   

Again, I realize there are many of you who have someone who are truly in the thick of some life threatening illnesses.  I am not trying to be dramatic about something that may seem insignificant compared to other issues in this life.  If you are a parent, you know that if your child is hurt, you hurt.  The one thing I have learned about trials, no matter how big or small they are, it's still a trial. 

Anyways, I pray that you all enjoy these last few weeks of summer.  That you are able to enjoy running around in shorts and not winter garb!  I hope you are able to make memories with your families of joy and laughter, as life circumstances can seem overwhelming and sometimes snuff out the beauty that is all around you.  Keep looking for those daily blessings and rejoice as this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!   Thank you for reading and caring about our family, may you be blessed:) 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

And the Bottom Drops Out

We last left off on the drama of the Cozy Critter soap up my daughter's nose.   We were hoping for some boring days to come, but alas, adventure is always right around the corner.

Seth has recently joined a men's bible study.  I am thrilled for him as my bible study has become a safe haven for me.   So far every week they pick a guy's house to meet at and then they provide dinner.  Sounds good right?  It did to me until Seth comes home last week to notify that he volunteered our house.  Say what??  Let me clean the wax out of my ear or maybe my hearing aid battery died.  I thought to myself, has he lost his mind???   

What's the big deal?  I am sure you may be wondering.  Believe me, two and half years ago, I would have been all about this.  I would have been in the kitchen, cooking up a storm and cleaning like a mad woman to prove we really don't live in a pig sty (okay, so it's not that bad, but kids=mess).    I am so pleased with this group of men that he is with so I would LOVE to open our home and say "Me casa, es su casa!" (pretty good for three years of Spanish) 

But the reality of the situation is, I have little to no energy.  Seriously, tortoises walk faster than I do.   My cooking skills are, okay, but not where I would love them to be.  Still, I saw my husband's eyes light up with joy at the thought of us hosting.  (sigh, must he be so darn cute)

So what is a wife to do?  I caved.  I didn't know how it would get done, but I figure, we'll get there.  As each day that passes by, we are getting school papers to have meet and greets with the teacher, pictures, open house, relatives visiting, play dates, friends, juicing (it takes a lot of time), cleaning, organizing, back to school shopping, panic, terror, and cleaning...  Did I forget anything?

As each envelope and call comes in to book up our calendar, I kept on looking at Thursday.  You see, to the average American they are overbooked and have a million things to do a day.  For me, especially since getting sick, one thing a week is good.  One thing a day is overwhelming.  Multiple things is insanity!  As I glanced at Thursday, I noticed there were 3 big appointments.  So I casually yet a bit nervously asked Seth, "uuuuuummm, so....  Have you noticed that you have the dentist, a school teacher meeting, and your bible study all in one night?"  Seth replies with a "I've got it under control, it's not biggie.  Don't sweat about it." 

I have recently been making it my goal to not micro manage.   I know that G-d wants me to trust in certain areas of my life, so I am trying hard to release the reigns of control over to my Hubs when he feels he is able.  So, released I go.   Aria had her birthday on Monday.  We tend to be fly by the seat of our pants kind of family.  I try not to plan too much in case my body doesn't cooperate.  So on her birthday, the weather was nice enough to go swimming at our friends house that we haven't seen much.  So off we went.  As we are there I see a giant bowl of blueberries.  To which I found out that literally up the street is a place that we can pick blueberries for a buck a pound.  For the first time in a while I happened to have some cash on me (which never happens) and as soon as Seth got off of work we quick ran over and picked blueberries.  All the while I am shouting to the family, "Pick as fast as you can they are about to close!!""  So Seth and I are picking like mad people as our kids casually saunter around to each bush to investigate and discuss each single blueberry.   By then I am sweating like a pig.  Aria is wearing her bathing suit since I didn't know we were going to pick blueberries and her fancy dress was packed to be worn.  I am stepping in what I can only hope is mud, but still and not sure what it is.   My heart is racing as the sign list it's hours and says, No Exceptions!!!   So another words, pick and be out of here on time. 

I find myself trying to savor the moment.  I am blueberry picking!!  Yet panic is hurrying each movement along as I call out like some crazy couch "Pick!!  Pick!  Less yapping and more picking!"   Finally after a half hour we all run to van with our bucket in tow and the kids are giggling to see their parents running with our arms flailing about.   We jump into the van and pay and drive like we just made a robbery of some sort.   We all breathe sighs of relief only to hear "I'm hungry!"  Yes, yes, they need to eat you foolish woman.  Going out to eat is next to impossible with my dietary issues, but also now Isaiah can rarely eat out as well.  So I have a brilliant idea.  "Hey Ar...  what do you think about spaghetti from last night?"   I felt so bad, left overs for a birthday dinner, my heart sank with guilt.  Thankfully she is the easiest going kid, "sure!!"  Sweet, score one with the easy going kid.  So left overs and blueberries for the birthday girl.    Nothing was planned, but it all worked out well.

But with each day that passed, my energy has been drained quickly.  By 5 PM, I am spent.   Everyday I pray with great goals to achieve, but realistically I know if I get more than two off of the list, I have hit a jackpot.   The odd thing was though, our super easy going girl has been a bit off.  She had a couple of accidents, which hasn't happened since she was potty training.   My brain quickly pondered a bladder infection, but then I dismissed it.   As each day that is going by our days are filling with preparations for school and even readying myself as I am a night owl and I don't care to catch the worm in the early morning.   All the while I am noticing Aria is just not acting like herself.   I found myself thinking about it, but then figured it might be a growth spurt.

All I know is I made her an avocado, hummus, cheese, and purple sweet pepper sandwich and the little vegetarian wouldn't touch it.  This was so odd for her and yesterday was not my finest Mommy moments.  I have been feeling overwhelmed with our packed schedule and now she wasn't eating something I know she likes ( big flashing light!)  and I was just down right annoyed.   I set the clock, and that is normally a sure fire bet they know I am serious.  Nothing.   Let's just say I pulled out all of my best threats, tricks, and even full out discipline.  I am not short order cook, you eat what we have, bottom line.   


That should have been a huge red flag, but my head was in the clouds with idea's of perfect parenting planning.   Yeah, no.   So I prayed a lot this morning.  I prayed for the patience to deal with things appropriately and to do it with a loving heart.   I waited for her to come into my room like she always does, nothing.   Hmmm... where is she.   So I go into her room after quite of a bit of time passed and there she was, sound asleep.

Now the alarms in my head are going off, she's sick.  Yes, the one time I really stick with my discipline and of course, she is sick.   I waited in my room and she quietly rolled on my bed.  Normally everyday she greets me with a giggle.  No giggle today, my heart sank.   I asked how she was feeling and she quietly said her tummy hurt.    This girl really has not one ounce of drama in her, so I knew she meant business.

Only the night before she was complaining that it hurt too, but I didn't see the signs and I gave her a long lecture of telling the truth.  Even though now looking back, she really does tell the truth (I need a time out) pretty much all of the time.  How did I miss it?   

Other severe issues were going on while this was all happening which I would rather keep private at this time.  But with this happening on top of it, it further complicated things.

So I pulled her in my arms and apologized and said how much I loved her and that I see now she was telling the truth.  She immediately forgave me and then rubbed my arm to console me.  She then said. "Mommy, I told you I was telling you the truth.  Oh and I threw up at 3 in the morning!"  Ummm, what?  "What are you talking about?" "Come, I'll show you."  She led me upstairs and proceeded to lead me to the ER barf bucket and sure enough she had.   I was blown away that she never came to wake us up and contained all of it, I am telling you, she is so not one to complain or bother....   So, now we are waiting on a doctor's visit.   I had an at home test for her to see if she has a bladder infection and it showed up positive.  So, now the appointment is scheduled right in the middle of all of our other stuff.  She is hardly moving and now we play the waiting game. 

Seth's big hosting event has been cancelled.  We are figuring she isn't contagious, but I can't tell you how many times I have met with people after they were sure their kids had food poisoning or the heat was too much.  Which in turn had all of us praying to G-d for mercy at the porcelain bowl promptly 24-72 hours later.  So to be on the safe side, we cancelled.  Seth is bummed.  I don't blame him.  I actually figured this would be a great way to add to my list of accomplishments to do it, so I am bummed for the both of us. 

The moral of the story, don't bite off more than you can chew.  If your child isn't acting right, there is probably a reason.  And if anyone sees my sanity running down the street, please capture it and return it to me.   I need a vacation....  Lord, help us all.    

PS  Aria tested negative for the UTI, but they did find something that indicated a more serious matter could be at hand, so they ordered lab work and we are awaiting results.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hope This Makes You Laugh

Do you ever wonder if G-d has a sense of humor??  It is written that we are made in His image.  So that must mean He revels in joy and laughter.   Do you know what I think???   I think He does and here why:

The past few days have been a bit bumpy.  While I have been thrilled to finally be gaining some weight (oh thighs, I will never take you for granted again!) and feeling a joy in my heart that I haven't felt in a long time.   I have been learning to really grasp each moment of goodness and just squeeze the hooty hoo out of it and rejoice!!    I feel as though I have been able to not only get out of my bird cage (seems to be life metaphor) and not just flit around the room, but SOAR!!  

Mind you my idea's of soaring are different then most.  Mine consist of the little things like waking up to sunshine.   Putting on my clothes, doing my make up, oh and my hair so I don't look like and escaped convict on the run!   Some other things are taking a walk, chatting with my kids, spending time with loved ones.  I am sure it all sounds really normal and boring, but for me, they are huge reasons to celebrate!  I don't want to miss a minute and I can't get enough.  I feel as though I am getting a second chance on life and I want absorb every glorious moment (cue musical crescendo with full band and orchestra!) and some day even learn the Viennese Waltz to dance through life with grace and fluidity.   To not miss a step, but instead glide through life with a long flowing gown and my Husband dressed in a tux, gliding right along with me (sigh).

(Record player scratch) But alas, reality has a way of stepping in.  Which brings from gliding to bumpy.  We had an awesome birthday party for the kids.  It went beautifully and we had around 50 guests!  I wanted so much for the kids to be encircled by those who had pretty much carried us through this past year.  Behind the smile and the chatter, really I was struggling to get through.

The way I feel varies from day to day.  The biggest thing I have made a point to do is most of the time to focus on the good.  So if I am feeling blech, I keep on going and I smile as much as possible.   There is more good that goes on in a day than bad, for the most part.  So I have been trying hard to hold onto that mentality so that I can honor G-d and not complain so much. 

But there are those day when I am utterly and wholly human and I collapse.  Yesterday and today have been one of those days.  Before you think I am looking for a pity party, that ship has sailed.   Pity has gotten me nowhere, instead hope and humor have become my companions.   Sure I vent to my Hubs (poor guy, He deserves badge!) and to my very dearest friend (you know who you are;)) and of course, there is my main man, G-d (all the good stuff is His!) who hears it all, sees it all, knows it all.  Yep, they have seen me yell, cry, ugly cry (yes, there is a difference), whine, complain, moan, mutter, shriek, well you get the picture....

Yesterday I got the wind knocked out of me as I am fighting an infection.  The whole medication scenario enters the conversations as I weigh out pros/cons.   I have had this infection for a while but have been putting it off in the hopes it might go away, but then it gripped me and slammed me to the floor.  A fever snuck up on me and then the endless game of it's too hot, no too cold, no too hot..... played on.   I can't remember that last time I popped in a movie and just rested on the couch as I counted down the minutes before Seth got home.   

He finally showed up and I stumbled up the steps to my bedroom and longed for the mattress to just absorb my misery.   All I can say as I was coming back into the bedroom and I thought to myself, where is Seth....   The house was too quiet, he must be up to no good.    Every wife/mother knows that when Mama gets sick, the house falls apart and Daddy probably is letting the kids get away with whatever they want.   I thought to myself, eh, who cares?  Yes, today I will NOT care.  I will crawl into my bed and ask questions tomorrow.  That is until I look out of the window just in time to see a huge branch fall from our window!  

For a second there I thought it was the fever until I looked on the ground and saw it's lifeless walnuts lying on the ground.  Wind storm?  No..  Freak accident?  No...  Why my mind went straight to this is only a testament to we who are of the Nickerson Clan.  SETH IS ON THE ROOF!  Our second story roof has an insanely steep pitch, it is not something you can casually walk on. 

I ran to look out the back window to find evidence of a ladder.   Please no, he wouldn't be climbing on the roof without telling me!  He knows how I worry and I am a huge safety advocate.  It isn't that I doubt his ability, it's just he is the only one working!!  He's my other half, I need him! If he is in a body cast we are in big trouble!   So I marched myself out in the back yard and sure enough I see the extension cord of danger dangling from the 1st story.   I looked at the kids who led me right to him with their mouths gaping open, wide eyed and pointing that Daddy is on the roof!

I didn't see him at first and all I could think was I had heard a really loud thud and had never thought to look and see if he had fallen.  My heart started race, my deodorant quit, and out pop my hubby with a big ole toothy "I got my hand caught in the cookie jar" smile!   I asked him if he had lost his mind and he goes "What?  Your Mom wants the saw back."  Then he pulls the chain saw down.  CHAIN SAW!!  On the 2nd story of the roof (Yes Mom Nickerson, I know you know)  "what if you had fallen and the kids watched their dad fall to his death and I had no clue you were up on the roof?!"   Seth pauses for a second and flashes his dimples, "Huh?  But I didn't!"   Grrrrrraaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!   Can't a woman be sick in peace????  It never fails, I get sick and he gets on the roof, egads!!!

I hope you are laughing by now.  Maybe to some you don't see the issue, but I am a tried and true worry wart.  It shouldn't be Nervous Nelly, it should be Nervous Kelly!   Seth has been confessing to what really happens outside when I thought he was "playing" with the kids.  It turns out all sorts of "work" on the house has been getting done while I thought good ole Dad was riding bikes and bonding.  There has been bonding, just one of these days the three of them are going be repelling off of a highway bridge (ahem Seth, yes, I know you already did that in your younger days).  

If that doesn't get you laughing, this will.   

Which brings us to today.  As I lay huddled in a ball on the couch, doing my best to think happy thoughts, I felt worse.   G-d has a funny way of getting me out of my head.  Seth had come home at lunch to help get the kids situated for some play time while I rested on the couch.   They had their movie, Lego's, and Calico Critter's.  Good to go, right?

Well here is a not so secret, secret about Aria.  G-d sent this cute little bunny into my life for a reason.  She is sheer joy, pure love, and she is also a licker.  This is why I think He has a sense of humor.  He knows I have germ issues, we all do.  I have been making strides to over come this paralyzing not so funny phobia.  It started when Eli was up in the hospital and they would stress EVERY DAY how easy it would be for him to die from germs and then he did.   So it is a well warranted fear that even my  doctors have acknowledged and pointed out how normal my response is.    So I have been trying hard to release my false sense of control little by little.  

The kids go to school, church, they play, but every time we do anything I find Aria licking things!  Licking random walls, objects, I even caught her licking her Barbie's hair!  I get flowers or something that smells good, but hair???    So when we go somewhere I always warn whoever they are with that she does this.  They always blow me off but by the end of their visit they will say "she really does lick!  I found her licking XYZ.."

So today out of utter desperation I figured she would be fine with Isaiah, only I hadn't thought about the Calico Critters.   These things are her favorite!  She loves them, but some things come with the tiny pieces and for her birthday the Camper came with little tiny plates, cups, spoons, the works.  I remember thinking, Hmmmm, would she put this in her mouth?  Nah, we passed that stage.

So I was resting on the couch.  Bozo looks better than I do.  I hear Isaiah scream "Aria has something up her nose!"  Then silence.   Sometimes he'll rat her out when she attempts to do something, so I thought it was a threat.  Then I hear sobbing and Isaiah starts yelling again.  I jump into Mommy mode and assume the position as if I am trying balance on a surf board.  "What?!"   Isaiah slowly opens his door and Aria does the walk of shame with her face beet red.  Her gaze comes up from the floor and meets my eyes.  She begins to sob and shout out nonsense.  I look to Isaiah to interpret.   "Aria put her Calico Critter up her nose!"  Man alive, those things are an inch around, there is no way, I see no chipmunk hanging from her nose.  

I ask Aria as cool as I can, "What is up your nose?"  "The soap, the soap!!"   It clicks, her tiny Calico Critter soap (they also had toilet paper which I though at the time of opening the gifts was a great attention to detail) but alas now her tiny plastic treasure was going to cost me an ER visit.   She looks at me and says, "maybe you should get a flashlight?"  Yes, yes, that by golly that sounds good.  Maybe it would prove that the attempt of the soap going up the nose proved to be unsuccessful and then we would find it on the floor.  Man am I hoping the power of suggestion was enough to freak her out.  Then I looked up her left nostril and their it was, as pink as bubble gum, the bar of soap.  

Now Seth had once long ago taken a pea from her nose by using a straw and sucking it out with his MacGuyver skills.  I am Mrs. MacGuyver so I now knew my work was cut out for me.  I deduced that the straw wouldn't be able to full suction on the tiny bar of soap since it was plastic and about the size of a Tic Tac, which chanced me inhaling it.  So I did what any good Mom would do, I called the doctor.

Normally they tell you a nurse will call you back, but they had me hold.  I explained the situation with all the facts.  She knew how small the plastic soap was so she told me to put my mouth over Aria's,  plug her other nostril and blow as hard as I could.  

Say What?

"Like CPR over the mouth?"  "Yes, put the phone down and I'll hold."   Oooooookay.  I paused as I looked at Aria's sweet face, her nose was runny from all the crying.   Eeeewwww.  I know it's my kid, but really people a fear is a fear.   We never kiss on the mouth.  As a matter of fact I try to hug and kiss on the cheek or the top of the head.  Then I thought, how much therapy is she going to need for this?   Well, it's either this or the ER .  So it's this.

I had to lie her on her back and keep her calm so she didn't snort the soap in.  I had already tried to have her blow her nose, but after repeated attempts, it failed.   So I did what any mother would do.  I had her open her mouth and then she instantly starts to laugh.  I blew, looked at her nostril, nothing.   Blew again,  still nothing.  This time I go to blow and she blows into my mouth and starts laughing hysterically.   I told her not cut it out and can only imagine what the nurse must have thought listening to our conversation.  Then Aria starts to wiggle her tongue in my mouth.  "NOOOOO!!!!  Aria cut it out."  She proceeds to laugh even harder.   I get another big blow in and still nothing.  I go back to the phone and the nurse nervously asks if it is out.  Then she suggests Afrin to reduce and swelling.  I use Afrin.  That stuff is no joke.  I can't taste or smell for a couple of days after using it. "Afrin?  Are you sure?"  She says, "it should be fine." MMMMM not quite for this Mama.

Aria shouts "MOM, it's coming!!"  I ran to her side as I watch the tiny pink plastic soap slowly descend out of her nostril.  We both pause and Isaiah has joined us.  "It's out!!"  We all cheer!!  Followed by "DO NOT put things up your nose ever again!'

"I promise Mama."  She never calls me Mama.   Sigh....  "Okay, go back and play, no trouble okay?"    A long minute passes "ARIA Get that out of your mouth!!  MOOOOMMMM!"   So I give her mad props she didn't put it up her nose, she held true to her word.  Instead, she licked it.   Does G-d have a sense of humor?   I think so. 

I have to say it did jolt me from the focus of how I was feeling and led me to write this instead of wallowing in my misery.  So I say, "thank you Lord for saving us from the ER and thank you for making us rejoice, laugh, and be able to write for others and maybe make them laugh too!"  See, more good things happen then bad;)