Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Urgent Prayer Requests

I haven't been able to update. We went through with the botox and all went well, as far as we can tell. Upon the last day at the hospital, it was confirmed I had a GI infection. They ended up giving me one dose of antibiotics and then sent me home. I asked them to keep me longer for observation, knowing my history of reactions to medications. They opted not to. Since coming home, I have been sicker than I have ever been in my entire life. Just when I thought I had experienced the worst amount of pain and nausea in my entire life, I was wrong. We have been going back and forth with the doctors and it's been extremely difficult. The kids have been staying and our parents house and although they love being with them, they want to come home. I am having a hard time getting around and can barely take care of myself. I just want to sleep all the time, which I am not supposed to do. I have been praying for specifics. I know G-d will do what is best, but in my humaness, I want to be here with my family. I know G-d will never leave me, nor forsake me, no matter what the outcome is. Please pray for a miracle, for G-d to reveal to the doctor something that could really help me, and as always, for peace. G-d created me, He knows my thoughts and how I am going to react, and I am so thankful that He does. I want so much to react in the perfect way, but He knows how I am, so I am just trying to keep on pushing through. I love my family so much, I don't want to go just yet. Isaiah saw me the other day and said "I'll always love you Mom and I'll never forget you." My heart just broke. Aria cries most times that we call. She has always been my little shadow and she misses us. I need to get this food in, I just have to. I am down to 89 pounds. Please pray for His mercy and huge miracles.


Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, praying!!! Thank you for updating... Haven't stopped thinking/praying. Hang in there. Hugs to you and yours...

Alison Hodgson said...

Oh Kelly, I'm sorry. I'm praying and will continue to. I'm sorry about it all. I'm praying for you and Seth and the children.

Todd's mom said...

Thinking of you and praying for a miracle.