Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pour Out Your Hearts to Him, For G-d Is Our Refuge

Did you notice I changed the color of my words?? You know what that means?? I think is means, PRAISE THE LORD and THANK YOU JESUS!!!!! The doctor came in a little while ago to give me the break down. I have been a bit down today and just doing some breath prayers to G-d. All I can say is, if you don't believe in G-d, you need come and meet with Seth and I.

Seth had finally left the room that only has a curtain as a door. We sat together pretty quietly (Yes people, it may have been a first) occasionally saying some breath prayers in between. I feel the Lord pulling me to trust in Him so often, yet it is SO hard for me to let go. Today I spoke some words to Him and just left it at that. My mind was wandering around to calls I should make and little things when in popped in another doctor. I don't think I have seen the same doctor twice. I have been happy with most of them, but things can get lost in translation. This guy walked in and stuck his hand out and said his name. I chimed in that I don't shake hands due to being a germaphobe (I normally don't say anything, but Seth had put the bars up on either side of my bed and I couldn't get the hand sanitizer). He just smiled at me and said "Me too! That's why I always wash my hands before coming in and after I leave." My kind of doc! He went over the prep. and fully addressed my concerns of reactions to the dye and meds. He determined that I should try Adarax? He said it was worth a try. I figured, okay. So we will be taking my next dose of Prednizone in the next few minutes here. Also they will be adding some weird drink thing to light up my insides. So apparently I am going to be a Glow in the Dark woman. Then of course there is the barium swallow study and he chatted on. Then he said words I did not expect to hear, "followed by the study they are planning on and EGD with Botox." My heart about stopped. Normally for people that the botox wears of early, they don't find it to help a second time, but in the case, I am believing this is G-d appointed. I really figured they were going to do a feeding tube, so this blew me away. My G-d is mighty to save!!!!! He heard our prayers ya'll!!!! I am trying not to get to far ahead of myself here, but it's a step, a step I figured wasn't even there. So, all ye prayer partners here is the run down. Please pray that I am able to handle all tests without any issues, especially this CT dye. Also, please pray that the test results all come back free and clear. Of course please pray that this Botox not only works, but this time it stays around for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG time. Of course as always for the peace that passes all understanding. Oh, they said if a hospital bed opens, they'll take me to an in patient room. So PLEASE pray that they'd be able to do this. Poor Seth slept like a bird in the chair last night and is exhausted. It brings tears to my eyes seeing all your messages of encouragement, thank you so much. It makes this journey seem less lonely. I am praying for courage and strength. I have barely eaten a thing since Sunday and they finally let me have some boullion water and a popsicle and then back to NPO. We still have a long night and day ahead of us and I don't know what else after that. Your prayers are being heard and I can't thank you enough for interceding for us. I am just so thankful. This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Oh Lord, may you part this sea. Watch, Pray, Believe, and Be Amazed. We'll keep you updated.


Jeri Bar said...

You are a faithful servant of the L-rd and place your trust in Him.

Folks on this side of the lake praying for you.

Thank you for posting.

Aunt Jeri

Uncle Dave and Aunt Betty said...

We don't post much (we don't really understand the blog routine) but we do keep you in our thoughts and therefore in our prayers.
love, Uncle Dave and Aunt Betty