Thursday, February 2, 2012

Moving along

Praise the Lord, last night's CT scan was a breeze. I thank you all for your prayers, that one really was a tough fear for me to overcome. Thankfully I had the prep. I had wondered if the burning fire sensation was normal, but after having the prep. I now know it wasn't. The only thing the steroid did was making me want potato chips and onion dip. The adarax, turned out to be a drug I had used to take with my migraine medication, so it worked wonderfully. We were also blessed with a wonderful nurse who had helped me all through it. I had to drink some gastrographin that blew me up like a Macy's Day Balloon. It was very uncomfortable, but I got through it. They kept on offering me pain meds, but I try to rarely use that route and was pretty happy I did okay. The Lord's peace was on me in a thickness I haven't felt since our Days of Elijah. I felt calm, cool, and collected right down to the moment. Normally, I get so worried about dying, but this time I felt that I was at peace with whatever would happen. That was a true gift. Thank you sweet Jesus! By the time we got back to the room, it was almost 3 AM and we were quite tired out. We never did get a private room, so back to our base we went. I had forgotten how often them come to wake you up and talk with you, so these late nights have thrown off our schedule quite a bit. Right now I roomed next to a very loud barfing dude. I feel bad for him, but the noise is quite nerve racking. After we slept for what seemed like an hour, we got woke up to our swallow study. We still haven't gotten the results back from either test, but during the swallow study they saw that the fluid immediately comes right back up into the throat, which may be why I am having these periods of numbness. They said that the Domperidone sounds like an allergy and that it isn't a good fit for me :( I have had a bit of a rough morning, probably due to lack of sleep and the testing materials don't like my already nutrient deprived body. I am SO hungry. I haven't been this hungry in a while and everywhere I look, there it is, taunting me. You know those Tums commercials where the food slaps the person back? I feel like instead of the food talking back, it's my stomach. During my study, they found previous contrast that should have long cleared out, still in my belly. We were supposed to have another gastric emptying study, but at this point they seem to be aware of how the severity of the lack of stomach motility. This has been a curse and a blessing. A curse, in the fact that something really is wrong, that not all of this is in my head. A blessing because, it's not all in my head! While stress does reek havoc on your body, blaming myself has only added to the desperation of the whole situation. The fact that I feel so responsible for damaging my body, really only increased my self torture. So, we try the botox. Yesterday I was flying high as a kite. Some people have gently reminded me that normally if you do it this close together it may not work. I started to get in all of the What if's??? And have just had to not get ahead of myself and trust in G-d that He'll get me through this. I'd appreciate prayers that our testing would come back good and that the botox would work well beyond my wildest dreams and for a long time. We know what the next options are after that and are willing to do whatever is necessary, but still hope this work. The GI did remind me that people heal from this a lot, by unexplainable reasons. I am believing and hoping that will be for me through G-d almighty. I don't know when we are going home, but the EGD and Botox are scheduled for tomorrow. I will be going home weighing less than I did when I arrived, so huge prayers that this would work and that my calorie intake would exceed all expectations. I am trying to not think about this as the long road, but as one step at a time. Prayers also that we could remain healthy through all of this. There are a lot of sick people around and I am immuno suppressed at this time. Thank you for all your prayers and support, we need you and ask that you would continue this journey with us as we wait and see what the Good Lord has in store for us. Not only is our G-d mighty to save, we should always be aware of how powerful our prayers really are. I'm probably forgetting a good chunk of stuff, but I can't stop thinking about food, we'll keep you update. Keep those prayers coming as we still have more to do. Watch, Pray, Believe, and be Amazed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope the praying is helping... Haven't heard from you lately.