Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Info. Update

So after a steady decline of weight and than a huge drop in eating we started to make calls for help. I haven't eaten more than 300 calories in the last 3 days. After jumping through hoops and making call after call, we got through to U of M. I have lost 4 pounds since my visit with U of M last week. The nurse heard my distress and then spoke with the doctor. After realizing the amount of food that I have eaten in the last 3 weeks, they became alarmed and requested us to go to Ann Arbor as soon a possible. Aria has been extra clingy this last week and Isaiah has been a bit oppositional with some anxiety. I told them how much I loved them and that I had to go to the hospital so the doctor could patch me back up. Aria accepted it, while Isaiah's eyes got wide. Seth explained to his bosses what was going on and that he needed to leave. We packed the kids up to Nana's house and off we went. We didn't know what to anticipate as a plan, perhaps just an assessment or maybe admission? I cried a lot, some parts relief and some parts just being afraid. We prayed off and on through out the drive. I felt G-d's peace and it was if I could hear Him say "let go now, I have this." We got to the ER and they got us in ASAP. The care was amazing and the doctor's were beyond compassionate, they actually listen. They did decide to admit me with an unknown plan. We still don't know what is going on. They have put me in a unit that has a community bathroom and only a curtain for a door, so this has been quite trying for me. The worst part is this poor lady in one room over that has been screaming and making wretched noises well, to say the least, it's overwhelming. We are praying they can get me into a private room, but they are still trying to figure out what tests to run. I know a CT scan is ordered and I have to do the steroid prep. due to an allergy to the CT dye. Please pray that it would have no adverse reactions and that I feel normal throughout all of this, we'll keep you updated on fb for testing. I have explained things over and over. They have explained that Gastroparesis is a very difficult diagnosis to treat. Feeding tube or maybe more botox??? They haven't decided yet. I have no idea how long we'll be here or what they are going to do, all I know is I am praying they find some other diagnosis that is so easy to treat or fix and that all of this will be healed ASAP. I know that our G-d made the universe, He can do whatever He chooses. I still imagine the Israelites as they were facing the Red Sea and behind them, the Eygptians hot on their trail. The panic they must have felt. They knew G-d was with them, yet the whole thing must have seem hopeless. Being that they are a part of my heritage, I have connected to that feeling. I know my G-d is with me, He has done such amazing things, yet, how in the world??? I keep in mind He parted the Red Sea. I am praying He is about to do the same for me. In such an overwhelmingly difficult situation that something amazing is about to happen. I'd appreciate so huge prayers. First, prayers for G-d's peace to overwhelm me so that not an ounce of fear could scrimp on by. For simple easy answers (Hey, it says if we ask in Jesus's name, He'll give it to us, so I'm going to ask) and simple fix. Prayers that all testing would go by without any issues. Also for prayers to get a private room. Poor Seth had to sleep in a chair last night and it's pretty intimidating where we are at. Also for prayers that Seth's bosses would hold his job, they have been very kind, but I know business can be business. Especially for the kids, that this would not traumatize them in anyway. For the Grandparents who have just had kids dropped in their laps and that this would be a great bonding experience for everyone around us. I keep on praying that I can somehow bring glory to G-d in anything I do. You so often hear of people facing desperate situations and how anxious they were or how graceful they were. I want to be graceful. I so much want to have the roots of faith that dig deep from one side of the earth to the other. G-d has been so gracious to me in all of my life. Yes, I have been dealt very difficult situations, but in all of the trials, the outcomes have been nothing short of miraculous. Even though Elijah and Aurora aren't here, their lives have prepared us to reach out to G-d are really believe in His healing. When I see Isaiah and Aria growing so big, no one would have thought they'd have ever have been here. Seth and I, throughout each daunting task have only formed a tighter braid with G-d. We'll try to keep you updated, please extend your prayers,they do matter. In the meantime, watch, pray, believe, and be amazed. My G-d is mighty to save. Oh, I miss snuggling my kids.


Jody Tolsma said...

Oh Kelly! I wish we could do something for you guys! Just know that we are lifting you up before the all mighty healer! Hang in there girlie! Oh, and that wretching sound, its happening here too! (kids have the flu)

Stephanie said...

Kelly, I just read your blog and see you are a fighter. Stay strong and know whatever happens know it is to help you get past this rough spot and move on to being healthier and stronger.
Whether it's botox or feeding tube imagine it happening with all the love in the world!
Take care,