Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prayer Warriors

Hey all, it has been a while. I wanted this post to be full of witty banter and fun, but some issues have come up that are rather urgent. I am asking for prayers, big time. Through the grace of G-d, the botox has helped tremendously. I have been eating food without to many issues and starting to build back energy. I ended up falling down my steps in the middle of the night on Friday and it really messed with my body. Since then, most of the pre-botox symptoms have returned. I can hardly eat and the belching and suffocating feelings are back. The doctor didn't think it was possible that the meds could wear off that fast, and we hoping he is right. I need prayers that I'd be able to eat normally again. I am actually hoping the stress of the fall caused this and that my body just needs to settle down. However, we don't know if that is the case. We are at U of M on Monday for a consult. We are praying there is something easy that has gone unnoticed that could remedy all of this. Or at least a treatment plan that would be successful and help me get back to normal. I just got off the phone with my GI's office and they said at this point, there is nothing more they can do here. For those that have had the botox, it normally lasts anywhere from 4-6 months. I am trying to focus on trusting G-d and praying He will open my eyes and my body to some healing. My tendency is to panic and be fearful and I am asking for prayers that I would remain steadfast on His promises and stay focused. Since Friday, I have dropped a significant amount of weight. I don't know how that is possible, but I did. Please pray that my body would settle down and that this botox would continue to work so I can eat properly. I haven't eat much since this weekend and it's already taking it's toll on me and the family. Any time you find yourself eating, even a snack, please pray that G-d would heal my body. We were able to get to a prayer meeting yesterday,which I really needed. I know I need to remain steadfast, but it's always comforting to know I have the support of others. I need peace and healing. I know G-d's will is perfect, and I am praying He agrees that I belong with my family for a long time, healthy. Thank you ahead of time. I'll try to keep you posted, hopefully with some encouraging news. I need to eat, I'm so hungry. So I am calling all prayer warriors. I know that the Lord hears our prayers and He is merciful and mighty. Nothing is to hard for Him and He is worthy to be praised, even in our suffering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can hear the anxiety in your voice....please try to relax, take a deep breath. Your body won't work if you are all stressed. Prayers are coming your way.