Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So I am reaching out to others for some help today. For a while now I have been lacking energy/motivation. The two apparently go hand in hand, since I can't seem to do one with out the other. For about a year now, I have been having issues with this. I get easily winded. I have been to the doctor for a blood draw to check my thyroid, which was fine. I am anemic, but have been for most of my life. I changed my diet and try to exercise more, but still, no energy! It's driving me nuts! I have tried coffee, which works great, as long as no one is home. If you give me one cup of coffee I kid you not, I will clean your house, mow your lawn, and just about anything you need, but, and here it is a big BUT... In the process, if you get in my way, I just might rip your head off and mail it to you. So, not such a good option, especially with a couple of boundary testing children. I have been drinking green tea, but it's such a fine line to drink a couple of cups without having a freak out session because my heart races so fast I think it might jump out of my chest and run away with my cup of tea! So, a no go. I don't feel depressed, so I don't think that is it either? I am stumped and so is my doctor. They want to do more lab work, but I frankly I am to cheap and I don't feel like spending hundreds of dollars. I even tried a compound that gave me the strength and behavior of an angry lumberjack. Needless to say, if it scares Seth, it isn't working. So as I scratch my head, does anyone else have this problem? I go to bed at night and wake up, okay, but within an hour or two, I am pooped out. As many of you know, a tuckered out Mommy leaves for quite a bit of snappiness. I feel bad as my kids just want to play, but I get so exhausted that I get agitated. I am trying some new vitamins to see if those might help, but the ones I picked out, have.... you guessed it, caffeine (wha, wha, whaaa). So apparently anything that says it will give you energy either has caffeine or some herbal stimulant that mimics it, and well I don't feel like running up and and down the street at 3 AM again. So I am asking you from the bottom of my agitated and tired heart, any suggestions??


Anne said...

It could be the chronic anemia.

How about sleep? Are you getting enough?

Right there with you on the caffeine. I am the happiest and most productive person alive for about two hours but the crash afterwards is not pretty.

iammygirlsmom said...

I can't really help you, but I do know that I drink decaffinated green tea with lemon. It's made by Bigelow and you can get it at Meijer. Green tea is good for your overall health, so perhaps if you still drink a cup or 2 a day without the caffeine, that might help?? How about a sleep aid at night so that you get the rest you need, which in turn gives you enough energy for the next day? Just some ideas from an unprofessional ;)